Bandar Bushehr, Iran
It has been years for Iran under isolation because of this plant. Now energy is being generated much better using other less dangerous resources.
Good place for hangout
I think it is a bad idea Iran is a very nice place this is bad
I helped build this plant, and got started on Ahwaz before leaving in 1977. Ours was part of a noble effort to pull Iran into the 20th century. Tehran was beautiful and I hope to visit again some day.
I want 'em to stop building them e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e, here, there and over there. But -- if it is O.K. for one Country to have this poison then it is all right for EVERY country. Iran is not going to attack Israel. It is called mutually assured destruction, not a new concept. Everybody quit acting like naughty little children or god is gonna spank you. My country - the U.S.- to which my father's people came in 1656 - and that I love... Has made a huge error in its ME policy. American Democracy is not a movable feast. We need to disengage and allow Islam to figure the whole Shia-Sunni thing out on their own. We have no right to interfere in what we cannot really understand. WMD sold to any country in the ME is immoral. Iran will have to discover on their own that nuclear power is evil. Their country is perfect for Solar Energy Farms. Of course that cannot be exported to warring groups. Aloha SnackBar!
iran is a peaceful nation, never invaded any nation or have any intention to. i believe nuclear power is a right of every nation for peaceful purpose
long life islamic revolution of iran the true revolution in the modern history
Hey people,I think nuclear program of iran is completly peacfull..israel have alot of nuclear arm & wants to make worry about iran wrongly! sure if israel dont attack to iran,iran dont do anything!..good to know that killing people(specailly involve jewish people) in islam, is "harram" & its completly wrong & its disaster!.. But west still think wrongly about iran!.. Bu sure Today in iran alot of sick people need to that in hospital.
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