Companies on Trustpilot can choose relevant categories to describe their industry, products, or services. All companies in a category are eligible to be best in that category if they’re actively asking for reviews and have received 25 or more reviews in the last 12 months. Some companies on Trustpilot aren’t eligible to be best in a category, and others aren’t on Trustpilot at all.
Harbour Shipping Ltd
Trustfeed Score 4.1
Dover, United Kingdom
Nick Bones
The best shipping harbour. Great staff.
No reviews yet.
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Calais Eurotunnel
Trustfeed Score 3.9
Coquelles, France
Pawel Zawadzki
Quick and safe journey. Clean with all safety signs clearly visible. The train needs upgrade. Recommended
Bureau De Douane Gennevilliers
Trustfeed Score 5.0
Gennevilliers, France
Zoll/Douane Allschwil
Trustfeed Score 4.3
Allschwil, Switzerland
Fendt 724 vario
Die schützen unsere schöne schweizer Grenze
Greilsammer Transit
Trustfeed Score 2.0
Saint-Louis, France
Krzysztof P.
Najgorsze przejscie na jakim bylem. Najpierw święto i 24h stania a dzisiaj strajk.
Ederle Gate 24Hrs
Vicenza, Italy
Del Campbell
Thank for the great services
Dogana Di Gaggiolo
Trustfeed Score 3.6
Gaggiolo, Italy
ilaria solerti
Przejście Graniczne Słubice-Frankfurt
Pavlo Mykytyn
Bridge between Frankfurt Oder and Slubice is quite good. That’s the only bridge that connects those two cities. You can cross by car, foot or bicycle.
Przejście Graniczne Gubinek-Guben
Trustfeed Score 4.0
Szybko łatwo i przyjemnie,czasem można skrócić drogę
Vama Cahul
Trustfeed Score 4.4
Dada VFC
It's alright - clean, tidy, trimmed, for sure a better situation than on the opposite part, on the Romanian custom! The staff is able and polite - we ...
Punkt Propusku \Mayaky-Udobne - Palanka\
Trustfeed Score 3.5
Ihor Sinchuk
Жодних документів не потрібно, по факту пишуть час коли заїхав, номер та кількість пасажирів. Зупинки по дорозі заборонені
Taksi Novooleksiyivka Yalta
Trustfeed Score 3.7
XRmil riop
Border Crossing Budomierz - Hruszów
Trustfeed Score 3.3
Ihsan Dogan
First of all I have to say that the Polish and Ukrainian authorities are absolutely friendly and that there is absolutely no corruption here. I have c...
Customs Station \Krakovets\
Trustfeed Score 2.2
Hasan Öztürk
Don't go there! 300 m in 3 hours, 4 hours i waited there under 40 grad! Like hell!! I think they dont working, just Siesta :( one Thing i will go neve...
Punkt Propusku \Starokozache - Tudora\
Laurent Bruère
Corrupted customs, but if you know ukraine you can’t believe something else. Our bus driver bought 3 bottles of alcohol in the duty free of Moldavia j...
Mizhnarodnyy Punkt Propusku \Krakivetsʹ - Korchova\
Trustfeed Score 1.5
Оля Дідух
5 годин в черзі, кілометрова черга. Це жах! Камера не працює, що знаходиться на під’їзді до пункту пропуску( за 2км) відповідно не можливо подивитися...
Пограничная Застава \Шегини\ Им. Григория Яковлевича Варавина
Trustfeed Score 3.0
Ваня Бензар
Не одноразовий мав перетин на цій ділянці ! Дивує Не контрольоване та не зрозуміле логіці ,а саме обхід обїзд колійок місцевими рішалами ! Постійні з...
Кпвв «Новотроицкое»
Trustfeed Score 4.2
Димитр Орел
Хм, и зачем отзыв о неизбежном препятствии при проезде? Может чтобы привлечь больше посетителей? Тогда отличное место рекомендую
Border Crossing Automobile Checkpoint \Nehoteevka\ (State Border Of The Russian Federation)
Trustfeed Score 2.5
Joe Thomas
Totally awesome, the wait was very short approximately 30 min..They served us cappuccino and donuts while we waited. Outstanding service. Extremely po...
App Bugayevka
Dimjan Kaminski
Не вздумайте здесь пересекать границу!!!!Дорог нету, работники таможенных органов не адекватные!!!!
Vama Radauti-Prut
Rădăuţi-Prut, Romania
Gabriela Solomca
Dacă nu se vor lua masuri în legătură cu acest caz ma voi adresa mai departe. Am ajuns în aceasta vama la 19:55,având copil în mașină, explicând dnul...
U.S. Customs And Border Protection - Rio Grande City Border Patrol Station
Trustfeed Score 2.9
Rio Grande City, United States
James Brown
I can't believe one of your black agents would pull over the wrong vehicle and then have the nerve to ask my friend to sit on the ground like he is an...
Кпвв Майорськ
Ilya Sko
מעבר גבול בין אוקראינה לישות המדינית הבלתי מוכרת \הרפובליקה העממית של דונצק\ Border crossing between Ukraine and the self proclaimed, unrecognized p...
Beregsurányi Határátkelőhely
Beregsurány, Hungary
Svitlana Shchedrina
Took us many hours of waiting. The toilet is in terrible condition. The line was literally not moving.
Csengersimai Határátkelőhely
Trustfeed Score 1.9
Csengersima, Hungary
annamaria sinai
One of the worse place to cross the border. But the main problem is that mostly the Hungarian electronic system stops working. Obviously is outdated, ...
Пограничный Переход Устилуг
Dr. Kerlick
Всього три години, досить швидко
Waberer's International Zrt.
László Katkó
From Hungary: you have to wait (many) hours to cross the border, but here the Hungarians work pretty fast. No free toilet (150 HUF), the customs offic...
Punkt Propusku Sokyryany - Oknytsya
Pavel Stepanov
Легко и довольно быстро проходить границу. Обычно нет большого потока. Правда есть псы которые там проживают и могут укусить если быть не осторожным.
Przejście Graniczne
Trustfeed Score 1.4
Niilo Niinimäki
Just unbeliavible! We are tourists from Finland and had little bit too much strong alcohol for presents to home from our holiday in Ukraine! Sigarette...
Direcţia Judeţeană Pt. Accize Şi Operaţiuni Vamale Satu Mare
Satu Mare, Romania
Международный Пункт Пропуска \Виноградовка\
Sergey Antonov
Очень медленно проходили таможню, причем не понятно почему. 6 автомобилей 3 часа!
Vama Baia Mare
Trustfeed Score 4.8
Васька Лехман
Всьо супер просто зимой на паркинге моглиб снiг почистити
Border Crossing Automobile Checkpoint \Goptovka\ (State Border Of The Ukraine)
trishev rinat
Ощущение налаженной работы подтверждается только при малой проходимости транспорта или людей. Сейчас стоим четвертым автобусом в очереди и все в одну...
Przejście Graniczne Łęknica - Bad Muskau Alkusamaksusa
Mariusz Motyka
Przejście jest całkiem zamknięte. Nie przejedziesz. Covid19
Przejście Graniczne Lubieszyn-Linken
Przed chwilą mama koleżanki przyjechała busem z niemiec i nikt nie podjął kontroli więc się pytam,o co tu chodzi?
Przejście Graniczne Chyżne-Trstená
Trustfeed Score 4.6
Karolina Tarasek
Dzien dobry chciała bym sie dowiedzieć czy teraz jest otwarta ta granica na Chyżne? Bo musze wyjechać z kraju do Włoch
Przejście Graniczne Niedzica - Lysá Nad Dunajcom
Paweł Żebrowski
Przywołuje miłe wspomnienia :)
Przejście Graniczne Chochołów-Suchá Hora
Андрей Слабинский *Антиквариат со смыслом
Very simple to cross - no control, no stops:)
Bálint Németh
If you travel by car, expect a quite long queue (in friday night it was about 1.5 hr), but if you travel by bus, it's usually faster. We traveled with...
Warmińsko-Mazurski Urząd Celno Skarbowy W Olsztynie. Oddział Celny Bezledy
Bartoszyce, Poland
Александр Мишенин
Super. Road of Kaliningrad, Russia.
Border Crossing Terespol - Brest
Trustfeed Score 2.6
kovács zoltán
0 comunication and 0 information source on the Polish side, intentionally working as slow as possible. In Belarus, border control personell is much m...
U.S. Customs And Border Protection - Hidalgo Port Of Entry
Hidalgo, United States
Leo Rdz
The federal employees here take forever to inspect and do their jobs. There were 5 agents just joking and laughing and huddled in front of main office...
Aduana De Reynosa - Puente Internacional Anzalduas
George Caballero
Well is México at least I was able to cross safe
U.S. Customs And Border Protection - Anzalduas Port Of Entry
Mission, United States
Kelly Shamblin
Officers working the past Saturday were so considerate and helpful. I’m 5 months pregnant and discovered I had a super flat tire upon being pulled ove...
Eidgenössische Zollverwaltung Rheinfelden
Rheinfelden, Switzerland
Federico Grilli
The German officers (not the Swiss) are often rude and grumpy, even shout at customers whose only fault is not to have complied with some obscure pett...
Douane Suisse De Perly
Perly, Switzerland
Eliot Python
Agent tres desagreable !
Customs Agency Thônex- Vallard
Thônex, Switzerland
Sandy Williams
Customs office opens at 7.30am.... Not 6am as stated
Gaillard, France
Border Crossing Station Flüh-Leymen
Hofstetten-Flüh, Switzerland
Basel, Switzerland
Karlfrieder Geiser
Imposantes Gebäude, professionelle Bearbeitung und freundliche Beratung der Beamten...
Douane Suisse
Vallorbe, Switzerland
Vijithan Si
Time waste, unloading overweight vehicle and paying unnecessary tax. To improve your service add security to your discharge bay.
Duana Franco-Andorrana (Despatx De Control Nacional Juxtaposat De Porta)
Ghodhbeni Alaa
Not good
Douane Francaise De Bardonnex Taxefree
Trustfeed Score 2.4
Saint-Julien-en-Genevois, France
Chios Apostolos
Fast and easy
Bureaux De Douane Et Postes Ferney-Voltaire
Bruno De Clercq
Had to go here to declare a vehicle. The officers were very friendly and helpful.
Lysbüchel Ch
You can also buy the Autobahn Vignette but only when officers are present. If you are looking for one, turn right and then follow City, you will fin...
Douane Française
Jougne, France
Rully Priyo Sanyoto
This is the border between France and Swiss, you need to pay tollway to go Bern or Interlaken, cost 40CHF about 37.7
Frontiere St Ludovic Post
Menton, France
Drix Thai
Le douanier Italien était très poli mais quelle incohérence dans les contrôles : J'étais le seul piéton pour faire des emplettes rapides dans la sup...
Bureau De La Douane Française
Ferney-Voltaire, France
Ricky C
The Swiss female officers are very pretty, and very professional. I wish to be stopped everyday ;)
French Customs
Trustfeed Score 3.1
Prévessin-Moëns, France
Red Horizons
We booked a day trip to Chamonix, the bus Flixbus from Geneva was already late and now we are delayed by French customs which will cut our day trip to...
Duana D'andorra
Lleida, Spain
jorge sanchez
Buscaban mandanga pero no la encontraron probablemente debido a las rastas de una de las integrantes del vehículo (a mi tampoc me gustan esos pelos d...
Poste Garde-Frontière Du Chablais
Saint-Gingolph, Switzerland
Poste Police Aux Frontières - Douane Française (French Customs Post)
Trustfeed Score 1.7
Gabriela Florin
the staff working slowly I waited minimum 3 hours at UK Border
Bundespolizeirevier Kehl
Kehl, Germany
Ahmad Tanim
Never cross that bridge without any papers, 1 week ago i cross that bridge i thought this area is for France and the German police caught me and they ...
Direction Régionale Des Douanes De Nice
Nice, France
Gebrüder Weiss Gmbh, Grenzbüro Hohenems
Trustfeed Score 1.0
Hohenems, Austria
Международный Пункт Пропуска «Песчатка»
Karol Szuchnicki
Raigardas Border Checkpoint
Trustfeed Score 2.8
Gytis S
23 žmonių autobusiuką patikrino per maždaug 20-30min. tikrino kruopščiai ir greitai, dėkingas už tarnybą saugant valstybės sienas.
Cze 248 Petrovice//Deu S173 Bahratal
Archi Man
Все ок
Border Crossing Automobile Checkpoint \Pogranichniy\ (State Border Of The Russian Federation)
Trustfeed Score 2.7
Attention: only for citizens Russia and Lithuania. It works during a daytime only.
U.S. Customs And Border Protection
Kansas City, United States
Michelle Rivera
Why the hate? Not everyone is a criminal and don't need to be treated as such. I saw people bring targeted and just hateful attitudes.
Barabási Border Crossing
Barabás, Hungary
Stefan Novak
Loooong wait unfriendly faces, they should speed up
Vállaj Border Crossing Station
Vállaj, Hungary
Iepureletelefonic Bostan
Endless waiting hours (estimated 50min,waiting for over 2h). Covid used as an excuse to make useless border checks and waste all our time for nothing.
Záhonyi Határátkelőhely Vasúti
Záhony, Hungary
No one speaks any other language but Hungarian and little bit of bad bad Russian... Attitude of people working there is peachy... Every time I am goin...
Tiszabecsi Határátkelőhely
Tiszabecs, Hungary
Stefan Weisshappel
8.11.18 UA to H.EU-lane works even slowlier than all-passport-lanes.Staff more or less polite,but despite rudimentary controls they seem to work demon...
Border Customs Office
Salcea, Romania
Kpp Tysa
Ole Lukøje
10 hours waiting time
Nyírábrányi Határátkelőhely
Nyírábrány, Hungary
Cotofrei Ioan
Lónyai Border Crossing
Lónya, Hungary
9.10.18 10:00 ukrainians work accurately and quickly and lazy hungarians are not able to proceed one car per hour that several hours waiting time buil...
Svk Veľký Kamenec//Hun Pácin
Veľký Kamenec, Slovakia
FufoMapky GoogleChlupatý
Normálna taká malá nestrážená hranica
Пункт Пропуска Кельменцы-Ларга
Alex San
Таможня - машин всегда мало, быстро проходишь, дорога после таможни - щебень, но без ям, дальше асфальт, латанный.. Есть туалет бесплатный.
Biharkeresztesi Határátkelőhely
Biharkeresztes, Hungary
Csengi Keresztes
Az emailos tudakozó nagyon gyors és lényegre törő.
Ártánd Border Crossing Station
Ártánd, Hungary
Mihai Belea
Comunism style . Bireoucraty will never end as long old unskilled people work here . Some of them are not able to use the PC. and yes bribery is still...
Vama Nădlac
Nădlac, Romania
Yanko T.K.
We are still waiting in a queue to cross after 6 hours of exhausting waiting and still going. No toilet nor anyone asked how the people are doing!?! E...
U.S. Customs And Border Protection - Brownsville/Gateway Port Of Entry
Trustfeed Score 3.4
Brownsville, United States
Eunice Delgado
Line is super slow.
Siret Customs Douane
Siret, Romania
Hurjei Doru Nicolaie
Very fast and very polite people, excelent way to cross.... both ukraine and romanian police...
Nagylak Border Crossing Station
Went smoothly. They only checked documents of passengers and cars. Quite positive person checked our documents. Smiled friendly. No restrictions or ot...
Nadlac Border Crossing Point Iii
Calin Calin
Nu sunt indicatoare si informati pt acest punct de frontiera. Doar pt localnici spune politistul am avut un cetatean italian si nu ia dat voie. Daca ...
Vama Basarabeasca
Vadim Jelezoglo
Roads in a very bad condition
Aduana De Miguel Aleman - Puente Internacional Presa Falcón, Ciudad Guerrero
Trustfeed Score 4.5
Nueva Cd Guerrero, Mexico
Aduana De Nuevo Laredo - Puente Internacional Puerta Entrada De Las Américas
Nuevo Laredo, Mexico
Agents are jerks but hey what can you do? They don't care where are you from, careful
Aduana De Nuevo Laredo – Puerto Fronterizo Laredo Ii (Juárez-Lincoln)
Lisa Wood
WARING, DO NOT STOP BY HERE, ITS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD. Apply the permits online, it will take longer, but it's much safer. Especially if you are travelin...
Rds Same Day Delivery
Trustfeed Score 4.7
Long Island City, United States
Marseille, France
Hamida Soualili
Cherche le numéro de la douane de Marseille
Douane La Cure
5 Star for Swiss Police.
Douane La Cure France
Les Rousses, France
Pierre Sannier
Douaniers qui font du zèle, et qui ne respectent pas les gestes barrières.
Paf Cdg T2
Tremblay-en-France, France
Ali Jlt
Équipe super sympa, qui soutiennent et aide le plus possible les voyageurs en difficulté Merci encore !
Great St. Bernard Tunnel
Cross Italy Switzerland
Verex Douane Service
Sas van Gent, Netherlands
Алексей Хиргий
Zoll Schmitter
Trustfeed Score 2.3
Klein aber fein