Companies on Trustpilot can choose relevant categories to describe their industry, products, or services. All companies in a category are eligible to be best in that category if they’re actively asking for reviews and have received 25 or more reviews in the last 12 months. Some companies on Trustpilot aren’t eligible to be best in a category, and others aren’t on Trustpilot at all.
Частный Нотариус Костенко Ирина Михайловна
Trustfeed Score 4.1
красножон юрій миколайович
No reviews yet.
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Kovalenko V.V.
Trustfeed Score 4.2
Геннадий Лазебный
превосходно. очень оперативно, все вопросы чётко и понятно. рекомендую.
Pryvatnyy Notarius Ridchenko Olʹha Yosypivna
Trustfeed Score 5.0
Професійний підхід по справ.
Pryvatnyy Notarius Antoniv Marta Romanivna
Trustfeed Score 3.8
Жінка нотаріус в пеклі бачила вас і ваші документи
Приватний Нотаріус Чорний І. О.
Trustfeed Score 4.6
Bogdana Pavlyk
Отримала всі ціни по вайберу зразу ж. Ціни хороші. Інші нотаріуси посилали на консультацію, не хотіли говорити цін, треба було з них це все \витягува...
Notarius Strazhnyk T. O.
Trustfeed Score 4.7
Oleksandr Gryban
Здесь работает команда профессионалов, которые любят свою работу и всегда выполняют её качественно, вовремя и с улыбкой! Рекомендую!
Notarius Demkovych Yu.L.
Александр Калищук
Відмінний , чесний професіонал !!! Дуже чуйна , та відверта людина !!!
Pryvatnyy Notarius Burban Tetyana Mykolayivna
Trustfeed Score 4.0
Dmytro Chernetskyi
There weren’t any issues with anything, can’t complain. Recommend this place for anyone
Notarialʹna Kontora, Pryvatni Notariusy Chuyeva O.D., Chuyev D.V.
Trustfeed Score 4.8
Галина Г
Пришла за полчаса до закрытия, срочно нужна была доверенность. Сделали быстро, не отказали, хотя были посетители.
Pryvatnyy Notarius Kurtyak Olena Orestivna
Trustfeed Score 4.9
Jenya Abreu
Прекрасный персонал отвечают на звонки: все грамотно объясняют по телефону, доступно, понятно и доброжелательно, всегда подробная консультация! Всем ...
Pryvatnyy Notarius Yatsenko Olʹha Petrivna
Trustfeed Score 4.5
Как у всех
Pryvatnyy Notarius Fedirko H.M.
Trustfeed Score 4.4
15 Телеканал
Хороша професійна робота натаріуса. Рекомендую.
Notaryus Pechersk Pohulyayko V.A.
Алёна Микуцкая
Быстро, удобно и доступно. Заранее отправила всю инфо на вайбер. На месте только проверила и подписала. Офис найти легко - начиная с арки весят указа...
Палинчак Татьяна Викторовна - Частный Нотариус
Виктория Редько
Єдина хто дійсно може розібратися з проблемними питаннями в документах, швидко та якісно. Дякую за професіоналізм
Notarius Durbiy Andriy Volodymyrovych
Маша Саух
Отличный специалист!!!мастер своего дела.обратились к нему, за помощью в пятницу вечером, не смотря на то, что рабочий день подошёл к концу, вошёл в ...
Notarius Yurkiv O.M.
Tania Pozniak
Уважний та компетентний нотаріус, дуже приємна у спілкуванні.
Приватний Нотаріус Погуляйко Вікторія Анатоліївна
Trustfeed Score 4.3
Марина Лисогор
Во первых дорого - я понимаю что центр города, но тогда хоть бы качество обслуживания было на высоте... А нет. Записалась на время. Приехала, нотариу...
Private Notary Brazhenko Ii
Светлана Ильичева
Быстро оформили сделку, получили детальную консультацию по другим интересующим вопросам и еще и приятно побеседовали))) большое спасибо!!
Notarius Zayetsʹ V. M. 24H
Віктор Гюго
Свого часу оформляли дешеву квартиру в р-ні, яка коштувала як старий ланос, Баландів про все, розказував всяку х-ню ------крім \Основного\ що в кварт...
Pryvatnyy Notarius Shchur Nadiya Romanivna
Татьяна Гузь
Було приємно співпрацювати із професіоналами своєї справи. Що також дуже важливо, якісні послуги за притомні ціни.
Pryvatnyy Notarius Makarenko Valeryy Mykhaylovych
У Тебя Всё Получится
Сделка прошла оперативно и качественно! Осталась довольна. Рекомендую!
Yelistratova S.V. Pryvatnyy Notarius
Светлана Иванова
Світлана Василівна --- професіонал своєї справи! Хороший та надійний нотаріус, щиро вдячні за допомогу та консультацію. Дуже приємна, уважна до найдр...
Приватний Нотаріус Шмигельський Ю.П.
Artur Born
Ооооооочень довго чекали на відкриття! Відчинила двері і зникла. Без пояснень. Мабудь каву пила. ((
Onyshchuk Iryna Petrivna, Pryvatnyy Notarius
Руслан Котик
Швидко, фахово, з дотриманням вимог законодавства. Індивідуальний підхід до кожного відвідувача.
Нотаріальна Контора Цукурової Світлани
Рост Башков
Хочу выразить благодарность Светлане за приятный опыт сотрудничества. Нужно было оформить доверенность на машину. Сразу предоставили консультацию по ...
Notarius Tyshkivsʹka Roksolyana Ivanivna
Luba Kyjanovska
Ця пані нотаріус дуже швидко і професійно оформляє документи, приємна у спілкуванні. Рекомендую!
Приватний Нотаріус Селіверстов В. О
Trustfeed Score 3.2
Денис Лб
Добрый день! Пользуюсь услугами этого нотариуса не один год. Специалист в своём деле, всегда все быстро, качественно и чётко. Приятный офис, доброжел...
Pryvatnyy Notarius Boyko A.S.
Anzhela Lupakova
В рабочее время среда, 7 августа, 17 часов все закрыто. Может в отпуске?
Askews Legal Llp ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Solicitors In Coventry City Centre
Coventry, United Kingdom
Seeside Summerhouse
I recently worked with Askews for property conveyancing and couldn’t be happier. Fast & efficient service great communication throughout the process....
Parkview Solicitors & Higher Court Advocates
Bolton, United Kingdom
Dope Dope
My (Spouse) Visa application was made to the British Embassy in India. Parkview was Open, friendly and very honest about pricing and the process invol...
Nairnsey Fisher & Lewis
Hockley, United Kingdom
Jason Shaw
We received an excellent efficient service by the team at NFL. Thanks!
Field Overell Llp Award Winning Solicitors
Arnaldo Ladaga
I recommend the services of Mr. Andrew McCusker and his team. I was attended to promptly with excellent professionalism.
Notary Glasgow
Glasgow, United Kingdom
Soykan Gok
Mike's a class guy, sorted out my documents and was enjoyable to chat with. Getting an appointment wasn't a hassle and prices were fair.
Kayani Legal, A Firm Of Solicitors
Ilford, United Kingdom
Surinderpal Chagar
I'm very thankful to Mr Kayani for his help and assistance to complete my lease thoroughly and efficiently. The experience was very reassuring though ...
Field Overell Llp Solicitors
Leamington Spa, United Kingdom
Mark Dore
Used Field Overall to sell house and found Cathy Richards very helpful and responsive during the process. The cost of the service was competitive and ...
Khan Legal Limited T/A Khan & Co Solicitors
Smethwick, United Kingdom
Marisgreenyoga McCann
Local solicitor family, housing law
Pryvatnyy Notarius Mykhaylenko Serhiy Anatoliyovych
Катерина Котюрова
За сутки мне сделали перевод разрешения отца на выезд , с польского на украинский и заверили нотариально ,для того что бы мы с ребёнком пересекли гра...
Notarius Nor Nadiya Mykolayivna
Trustfeed Score 2.7
Ігор Кульчицький
Безвідповідальна нотаріус. При оформлені заповіту на частину квартири прізвище Караульна сковеркала на Каркульна. Така ж сама в неі секретар. В резул...
Private Notary N. Nor
Trustfeed Score 2.6
Нотаріус Грущинська Ольга Володимирівна
anastasiya n
Чудовий нотаріус! Професійно, швидко, якісно працює! Неодноразово зверталися и будемо приходити ще!
Частный Нотариус Водяницкая А. В.
Trustfeed Score 3.0
Notaryus V Kharʹkove Pryadko Olesya Serheevna
Хотел бы поблагодарить Олесю Сергеевну за профессионализм и оперативность в подготовке документов. Сделку провели на высшем уровне. Отдельная благода...
Tabinskiy Oleksandr Ivanovich
Олександр Долгорукий
Отримали кваліфіковану консультацію, з обговоренням можливих варіантів за і проти.
Notary Anastasia Filatova
Іван Прокопович
Приємний, кваліфікований персонал, доступні ціни. Рекомендую!!
Романюк О.В. Нотаріус
Ганна Слатвицька
Спасибо за консультацию!!! И профессиональную помощь!
Vasylʹkova Oksana Volodymyrivna
Инна Панченко
Дуже вдячні за допомогу, консультації та Вашу надійну підтримку. Ви найкращі!
Юридическое Агентство \Визави\
Юлия Баркова
Советовали адвоката Максимец Владимира, слышала, что человек с огромным опытом за плечами, решила обратиться. Осталась очень довольна, адвокат всегда...
Glotee Limited
Romford, United Kingdom
idowu olusoji
I do not know where to start in order to thank you Mr Ted. I will start by expressing my appreciation for standing by my wife and I and having faith i...
Paul Brady & Co. Solicitors
Klara Dechant
We found Conor Brady to be very helpful, thorough and very professional during the process of both selling a property and buying another. The conveyan...
Lexgate Limited.
London, United Kingdom
Y Kim
Excellent service! Really impressed! Simply, a huge thank you!
Susan Paul Solicitors
Rashid Mohd
i had a very bad experience with other law firms before one of my friend suggest to Miss Susan Paul to go and have a chat about my visa processing. i ...
Haven Green Solicitors
Kristina Berdellima
My experience was wonderful, they made me feel at ease whenever i had questions or worries and made the process easy. They are very professional, stra...
Kelly & Griffin Solicitors
Trustfeed Score 2.5
Niall Forde
I had the unfortunate experience of dealing with this firm of Solicitiors of late. I can honestly say they are one of the most incompetent, disrespect...
James Gallagher Independent Valuer
Erin O’Hagan
Would highly recommend. James is extremely helpful and friendly and offered a brilliant service. Booking an appointment was so simple to do on the web...
Kings Solicitors
Northwood, United Kingdom
Aidan Limerick
Very happy with the service I received from kings Solicitors and Erol in particular who handled my recent property sale, this was the first time I had...
Thomas Dowling, Notary Public & Commissioner For Oaths
Owen Donnelly
I required documents to be notarised and Mr. Dowling addressed my needs swiftly and comprehensively in a professional and friendly manner. I would hig...
Fidsud Cdba Castelnaudary
Trustfeed Score 3.3
Castelnaudary, France
Нотариус Демченко Елена Николаевна, Zaporizhia
Den 777
Адекватный и даже симпатичный нотариус) Цены особо от других не отличаются, работу делает, как и обещает. Впечатления положительные.
Нотариус Кочергина Светлана Михайловна
natalia halyna
Светлана Михайловна отличный профессионал, внимательно выслушала все вопросы и дала пояснения понятным языком. Было легко созваниваться и договариват...
Zengilan Rayon Herbi Komissarligi
Pryvatnyy Notarius Hrushytsʹka Vitalina Vitaliyivna
Semen Astapov
Найкращий нотаріус! Звертаючись до Віталіни Віталіївни завжди можна бути впевненим у реєстраційних діях та дотриманні всіх вимог законодавства при пі...
Bradshaws Property Lawyers
Menai Bridge, United Kingdom
Sam Whitaker
We have dealt with Tom from Bradshaw Property Lawyers as his client was selling their flat with him. As the managing agent we liaised with Tom who was...
Cosmos Consulting Immigration Services
Guelph, Canada
Ott Legal Services - Traffic Ticket Defense
Brampton, Canada
Ashish Desai
Thanks Eddie and OTT Team. Very happy.
Notaries In Sooke (Cheryl Vavra, Notary Public)
Sooke, Canada
Tricia Litt
My son (age 18) was purchasing his first home; Cheryl was recommended to assist. As he had no prior knowledge of the process I asked Cheryl to guide h...
Precision Paralegal Services Professional Corporation
Burlington, Canada
Elan Van Wyck
Michelle and her team are absolutely fantastic. Jumped on a call with me, knew exactly what I needed and the result was that I never had to go to cour...
Notary Public & Commissioner Of Oaths
Richmond Hill, Canada
Marie Kessaris
Rula was: quick to reply to my voicemail and all text messages thereafter clear and concise about the nature of service, hours of operation, and wha...
Canada Aim
Mississauga, Canada
Muna Hawwa
One of the best, most accurate and distinguished offices. Lawyer Nour is AMAZING.. she helped me obtain what I need in a very short time! She's cool, ...
Way2can, Canadian Immigration Consulting Inc.
ام مريم
I appreciated Mr. Sherrif's answers to my questions. He was considerate in giving me time to think things through. Would definitely recommend others t...
Ra Law | Barristers & Solicitors | Notary Public |
Patricia Zuniga
Unfortunately the worst experience! I just called to see if they can help me with notarized documents. The “sir” who answer the phone had no manners a...
Notary Public & Commissioner For Oaths
Trustfeed Score 3.9
Kamar Kaye
Hassle free service. I highly recommend Suraj's services. I was in and out in a timely manner!
Picco, White, Mccarthy
Marystown, Canada
Steph Tarrant
Great place! Very helpful, I would definitely use their services again.
A. Miguel Paralegal
Etobicoke, Canada
Souad L
Mister Miguel demonstrated great negotiation skills over the hearing to get in a settlement with the tenants and although the case was complicated due...
Red Seal Notary
Ottawa, Canada
Waleed Hosny
I went with Arabic document to get it notarized, surprised how the lady was understand Arabic plus other 8 languages. Service was very quick, professi...
Legalcenter.Ca Commissioner Of Oaths, Immigration Law And Civil Litigation
Scarborough, Canada
Hetal Rana
My husband and I had a very nice experience meeting the lawyer. Haven't seen someone who is willing to help us out of their box with a lot of knowledg...
Reza Nazer & Azin Vakili Legal Services
North York, Canada
Ali Faren
They helped my father to renew his iranian passport and also gives a power of attorney to another family member in Iran. Mr. Nazer and his team were k...
Alberta Oaths Services
Edmonton, Canada
Catherine Talarico
I went to Steve to get my documents signed and it was very quick and professional. He’s very kind and charges the most affordable prices in the city. ...
Ott Legal Services - Traffic Ticket Defence
Danny Quattrociocchi
I just wanted to take a moment and share my exceptional experience with Marcello and his team at OTT Legal in Richmond Hill. The most important part o...
Pembina Law Group
Westlock, Canada
Winnipeg Notary Services
Bina Jensen-Millan
The service was professional and friendly. K Wills communicated regularly with me and offered helpful advice. I would use this service again and highl...
Mattica Consulting (Notary Public)
Allan Gordon
Courteous, friendly, efficient & professional. Found this person just by chance when in a deadline crunch and will definitely go back when services ar...
Commissioner For Oaths Sw Calgary
Calgary, Canada
Cranston Commissioner For Oath
Tom Sienko
My experience with this commissioner was extremely positive. He is very professional, quick in setting an appointment, very flexible and meticulous. H...
Pesuruhjaya Sumpah/Commissioner For Oaths
Pesuruhjaya Sumpah, Relau & Bayan Baru & Bayan Lepas 宣誓官 Commissioner For Oaths
Paul Ong
Fast efficient services. Will come again if needed too.
Pesuruhjaya Sumpah Norizan Binti Md Hasan [A238]
Trustfeed Score 3.1
Seri Manjung, Malaysia
Mohd Hafizzul
Nice and friendly service.
Iskandar Al - Bakri & Associates
Ramesh Veeriah
It's a lawyer office.quite narrow n above shop lot.
Griffin Law
West Malling, United Kingdom
Liz Roberts
A great team of litigators to work with.
Canadian Legal Resource Centre Inc. - Calgary
Pickup Cat
I went here twice for fingerprinting, one for PR and one for citizenship. Both times I received excellent service. My fingers are prone to be very swe...
Commisioner Of Oath
Pesuruhjaya Sumpah Sri Petaling (Messrs K.V.Ong, Chua & Partners)
Trustfeed Score 3.7
Nanalove Travel
Went this place to get sumpah for my AA POD. The place looks very clean and well decorated. Also the Process was smooth and fast. Recommended But as u...
Pesuruhjaya Sumpah Bangi Gateway
Hannan Afifah Mat Yusof
Very efficient and friendly. They are situated between Menara Optometry & Deenara, easy access if you enter from behind of Bangi Gateway entrance. Lo...
Messrs Jaslina & Associates
Izzati Nadhirah Mohamad
The lawyer is efficient. I settle my house purchase with lppsa without any difficulty
Raja Ariff & Sin
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Hesham Shebl
perfect service, so fast and convenient.
Reinders Law
Manning, Canada
Tai Hwa & Co
John Budweiser
Mixed feelings. Wanted to get some documents verified by commissioner of oath, however not available as the person was on leave. Staff was friendly an...
J & T Income Tax Service Inc.
Saskatoon, Canada
Evan N
Jason and his team are 100 %top notch. Nothing but good things to say about their people, facility and professionalism. I will take our business elsew...
Donny Wong (Pesuruhjaya Sumpah Malaysia)
Trustfeed Score 1.0
Very rude and sarcastic. Called to ask whether they’re open or not and the person answered in a very sarcastic way.
M. Juzaili & Associates Peguambela & Peguamcara, Peguam Syarie
Commissioner For Oaths : Hadzmi Bin Ahmad (Mutang, Bojeng & Chai)
Ali Konuk
He is so helpful and kind.