Companies on Trustpilot can choose relevant categories to describe their industry, products, or services. All companies in a category are eligible to be best in that category if they’re actively asking for reviews and have received 25 or more reviews in the last 12 months. Some companies on Trustpilot aren’t eligible to be best in a category, and others aren’t on Trustpilot at all.
Pall Mall – Medical & Cosmetics – Newton-Le-Willows
Trustfeed Score 4.6
Newton-le-Willows, United Kingdom
Google User
I have used PallMall for few consultations and MRI/CT scans trying to get to the bottom of my pelvic pain. I got to the bottom of my wallet instead. T...
No reviews yet.
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Clinique Des Hêtres
Trustfeed Score 3.6
Le Cateau-Cambrésis, France
Mon séjour dans le service chirurgie viscérale s'est très bien passé. Tout le personnel était sympathique, patient, à l'écoute , compétent et délicat...
Casa Di Cura Prof.Petrucciani
Trustfeed Score 4.1
Lecce, Italy
Matteo Giannuzzi
totalmente inaffidabile e senza alcuna professionalità, non rispettano i tempi \garantiti\ (riportati sul loro sito!!) per l'esito di esami e trovano...
Endostudio Centro Medico Di Gastroenterologia Ed Endoscopia Digestiva
Trustfeed Score 4.3
Locri, Italy
Consuelo La Mantia
Grazie al dottor Cautela per la sua professionalita', gentilezza e sopratutto umiltà.. Pronto ad ascoltare e trovare una soluzione immediata e risolu...
【 Клініка Варта 】
Trustfeed Score 3.8
Vasiliy Dubinin
Хотів би подякувати адміністрації клініки та відзначити їх рівень сервісу та спілкування з клієнтами: ввічливо відповідають на будь-які питання та на...
Медичний Центр \Оксфорд Медікал Одеса\
A. S.
I would strongly encourage avoiding this clinic. Dermatologist is simply unable to listen to patient. The way she talks to patients is as if she is ti...
Diahnoz Tsentr
Trustfeed Score 4.0
Ник Мак
Извините меня, но что за хамка сидит на телефоне! Не успеваешь и слово сказать сбрасывает трубку! Найдите администратора, сколько вы клиентов потерял...
Центр Здоров’Я
Trustfeed Score 2.5
Медичний Центр \Вв Клініка\ На Шулявці
Alina Levon
Ендокринолог Тарасенко Наталія Леонідівна допомогла виявити проблему, яка роками негативно впливала на моє здоров'я та самопочуття. Зараз проходжу лі...
Trustfeed Score 4.4
2021 рік на дворі - сайт досі лише російською мовою, українська версія відсутня навіть як опція.
Orthopädie Und Unfallchirurgie Dr.Med. Helge Ernst Und Sascha Oberwahrenbrock
Dülmen, Germany
Kira Nowak
Ich bin froh das ich diesen Orthopäden aufgesucht habe. Habe angerufen weil ich mein Bein nicht mehr spüren konnte , es wurde sofort reagiert, super ...
Lutz Ehmsen
Bühl, Germany
meiang ameise
Habe mehrfach angerufen. Man erreicht immer nur die Mailbox. Auf einen Rückruf warte ich nun schon 3 Tage obwohl ich mehrfach darum gebeten habe. Ab ...
Centrum Medyczne Polmed
Starogard Gdański, Poland
Karolina Wos
Polecam przychodnie polmed , panie w rejestracji bardzo miłe i pomocne
Enklawa Zdrowia
Trustfeed Score 4.2
Skarżysko-Kamienna, Poland
Pati Pati
Czekanie na kolonoskopie to jakiś absurd ponad dwie godziny opóźnienia a między czasie lekarz sobie idzie zjeść robiąc pół godzinną przerwę.....a cze...
Poradnia Laryngologiczna Prywatnej Specjalistycznej Przychodni Lekarskiej Centrum Bernardyńska
Trustfeed Score 2.0
Radom, Poland
aleksandra k
Żenująca obsługa
Wetlandia Przychodnia Weterynaryjna
Warszawa, Poland
maciej kleszcz
Szanowna Pani - proponuję się przebranżowić na gabinet manicure. Nikt nie będzie Pani gryzł i drapał. Nie wspomnę o czekaniu ponad godzinę w kolejce....
Laryngolog Specjalista | Lek. Med. Anna Pasterska
Poznań, Poland
Sale Nowak
Everything very good!
Hospital Medfemina - Gynecology And Obstetrics
Trustfeed Score 4.5
Wrocław, Poland
Gábor Szabados
This place is a joke. It is not a hospital. My wife wanted to visit the place, as it is a private hospital, at the unbelievable time at 6:00 with urge...
Skvet Veterinary Clinic
very competent and friendly! Our dog had emergency surgery and they took very good care of him. He stayed over night and got everything he needed.
Specjalistyczny Ośrodek Diagnostyki Gastrologicznej Dr N.Med.Orest Hnidec
Białystok, Poland
Polecam serdecznie krótki czas oczekiwania na wizytę, ceny przystępne, bardzo dobrzy specjaliści. Dr Chwieśko świetny specjalista od choroby reflukso...
Centre Dels Animals Arasa - Clínica I Acupuntura Veterinària
Tortosa, Spain
No hem pogut estar millor atesos. Hem voltat per diferents clíniques perquè ens acabem de mudar a la zona, i no n'havíem trobat cap on atenguessin ta...
José Gomes Duarte - Medical Imaging Ltd. Antas
Trustfeed Score 3.9
Porto, Portugal
Paulo Silva
Modern and one of the few places where doctors perform the echographies are performed by doctors
Moscavide Medical Center, Lda
Moscavide, Portugal
Daniel Lopes
Fui muito bem recebido e tratado. Parabéns e agradecimento a todo o pessoal médico e administrativo.
Labmed Health | Harbor | Av. France
Trustfeed Score 3.5
Diogo Marques
Porque não é só quando esta mal que temos que escrever ou reclamar, também há devemos gratificar quando somos bem atendidos, E assim foi, ontem de ma...
Policlinica Senhora Dos Remedios, Lda.
Trustfeed Score 3.0
Bragança, Portugal
Shs - Unidade De Lisboa
Lisboa, Portugal
rayhan chy
Receptionist is too rude
Shs - Unidade De Braga
Trustfeed Score 4.9
Braga, Portugal
Bireda Geral
Um bom serviço de atendimento ao utente plela equipa administrativa, e um bom Conhecimento e atencao pela equipa medica
Centro Clínico Pedro Santos Saúde
Trustfeed Score 5.0
Carapinheira, Portugal
Natércia Ruivo
Excelentes profissionais. Clínica a 5 minutos de Montemor-o-Velho.
Trustfeed Score 3.4
Vigo, Spain
Reme Martínez Rivada
Como paciente el trato estupendo, cercano, amable y humano, tanto por el médico como por las personas que trabajan allí. Lo recomiendo.
Atlanta Center For Gastroenterology
Decatur, United States
Brock Rohlfing
Dr Rausher is fantastic. He really cares about your well being and was very informative throughout the entire procedure process. He knows what he’s do...
Clínica Dr. Júlio Barbosa
Trustfeed Score 3.1
Viseu, Portugal
Nuno Costa
Muito bom serviço atendimento meigo atencioso e rápido
Clínica Endoscope
Vila Franca de Xira, Portugal
Nelson Rodrigues
Excelente atendimento, profissionais, simpáticos. Se tiver de fazer uma endoscopia ou colonoscopia regressava certamente a EndoScope e recomendo.
Veterinary Clinic San Martin
Cáceres, Spain
Franne Baddley
Great clinic. Everyone very friendly and helpful. Removed an eye from one of our foster dogs. Healed beautifully. Follow up really good even helped wi...
Clínica Dental Dr Alfonso Leiros De La Peña
Trustfeed Score 2.3
Pontevedra, Spain
Liverpool Manchester Cheshire Gastroenterology Services Ltd
I was very happy with the care and excellent service I received from both Dr Sarker and the Spire Cheshire hospital. The procedure was explained fully...
Spire Harpenden Private Gastroenterologist
Harpenden, United Kingdom
Dr Mark Furman Paediatric Gastroenterologist
Dr Mark Furman Paediatric Gastroenterologist - Telephone And Video Consultations Available.
London, United Kingdom
Vidange Catteau
Comines-Warneton, Belgium
en-un-clik en-un-clik
Je recommande fortement cette société disponibilité, rapidité, efficacité, à l' écoute ... trouver la solution à mes problèmes dans les canalisations...
Docteur Johann Dreanic
Ermont, France
Le dr Dreanic m'a reçue en consultation. Il est très professionnel et surtout, j'apprécie son tact et son humanité. Il m'a expliqué avec des mots sim...
Docteur Grateau Christine
Saint-Mandé, France
Si je pourrai mettre 0 je le met . J'avais rendez vous a 18h20 , je le suis tromper d adresse au lieu de mettre 101 avenue de paris , j'ai mis 101 ru...
Studio Medico Dr. Corrado Iacono - Gastroenterologia Ed Endoscopia Digestiva
Caltanissetta, Italy
Casa Di Cura Macchiarella S.P.A.
Palermo, Italy
Giovanna Palermo
Esperienza negativa. Dopo aver accettato una prenotazione a pagamento senza richiesta, non hanno effettuato l'esame richiesto, dichiarando che se non...
Dott. Marcello Maida - Gastroenterologo, Epatologo
Luca Farruggia
Ho eseguito la colonoscopia nello studio del Dr. Maida. Prima dell'esame avevo un pò di timore, però tutto è andato benissimo. Il Dr. Maida mi ha tra...
Prof. Giuseppe Galloro - Centro Gastroscopia E Colonscopia Napoli Federico Ii
Napoli, Italy
Stefania La Rocca
Il prof. Galloro è un medico di alto valore umano e professionale. E' la seconda volta che mi rivolgo a lui e devo dire che sono assolutamente soddis...
Centro Colonscopia Napoli Monaldi - Indolore Con Sedazione
Trustfeed Score 4.7
Valentina Longo
Dottoressa di una cortesia unica. Mi ha messo a mio agio fin da subito malgrado il tutto non fosse una passeggiata. Si certo consiglio
Centro Gastroscopia Padova Diaz - Indolore E Transnasale
Padova, Italy
Giovanna Areni
Medico esperto professore universitario. Consigliato ho eseguito una visita
Dr. Andrea Favara
Cantù, Italy
Antonella Pinelli
Medico disponibile e molto competente scrupoloso e umano, in grado di tranquillizzare spiegare nei minimi dettagli qualsiasi dubbio . Lo consiglio sot...
Dott.Ssa Valeria Gianfreda
Roma, Italy
Angela Crea
Volevo ringraziare di Vero Cuore la dott Gianfreda, che dopo un lunghissimo e incessante anno di sofferenze, grazie anche al Primario di chirurgia do...
Veterinary Clinic La Fenice
Venezia, Italy
Silvia ***
Per nulla affidabili. Non hanno diagnosticato al mio cagnolone una bronchite cronica che lo sta portando alla morte dopo parecchi anni che continuo a...
Knapp Jan
Bensheim, Germany
Michael Krömer
Bin jetzt schon seit über 25 Jahren regelmäßig bei Darmspiegelungen, aber Herr Dr. Knapp hat es als erster geschafft das ich dabei geschlafen habe. Z...
Herr Dipl.-Med. Stefan Röser
Eberswalde, Germany
Dr. Med. Harald Schmidt Facharzt Für Innere Medizin Und Gastroenterologie
Berlin, Germany
Pawel Grzesik
Die Damen an der Rezeption waren sehr nett. Auch wenn meine Venen immer nicht so ganz wollen, haben sich alle viel mühe geben einen Anschluss zu leg...
Herr Dr. Med. Jörg Kapp
Uelzen, Germany
Alli Dalli Micha
Sehr nettes und kompetentes Personal. Freundlichkeit und Spaß an der Arbeit bereits um 07.00 Uhr! Der \Chef\ hat das Herz am richtigen Fleck. Terminv...
Fachinternistische Schwerpunktpraxis Dr. Matthias Eichler, Dr. Matthias Kahl
Hamburg, Germany
Jörg Fischhofer
Unproblematisch und kompetent wurde die Darmspiegelung hier zu einem normalen Vorgang. Der Termin wurde ohne lange Wartezeit freundlich am Telefon ve...
Dr. Med. O. Hinze, Dr. Med. M. Häßle, Dr. Med. B. Pfestorf, Dr. Med. M. Metzner, B. Schwegler - Kmg Chirurgie
Pritzwalk, Germany
Endokrinologie Zentrum Ulm
Ulm, Germany
Yogita Suryawanshi
Very good service. Got appointment very easily. Did not have to wait too long for doctor on the day of appointment. The doctor spoke in english with u...
Dr. Med. Reinold Waßmuth
Kristin Farid
Very appreciative of Dr. med. Waßmuth's understanding and calm way of being. Has been very helpful for our family.
Internistisches Gastroenterologikum Hamburg
Hamid Tajik
My mother had an appointment for a Colonoscopy, but she couldn't be there for that day. So I called and informed them and ask for another appointment....
Dr. Med. Michael Philipper
Düsseldorf, Germany
Uwe Ruge
Sehr kompetenter Facharzt. Man fühlt sich verstanden und gut aufgehoben.
Dr. Med. A. Hübner
Braunschweig, Germany
Doris Luce
Sehr freundliches Personal, super Arzt, tolle kompetente Betreuung u Behandlung,moderne klimatisierte Praxis, kann ich nur weiterempfehlen, fühle mic...
Dr. Philipp Hoffmeister
Bad Säckingen, Germany
Frank S.
Magen -/Darmspiegelung Super nettes Praxis Team vom Telefon bis vor Ort . Empfang, Behandlung tadellos. Im Vergleich ich war vor 8 Jahren schon einma...
Dr. Med. Wolfgang Zink Facharzt Für Innere Medizin Und Gastroenterologie
Nürnberg, Germany
silvia b.
Für mich einer der besten Ärzte, ich würde nur schon für das Team dort 5 Sterne verteilen, super nette Mitarbeiter, Mädels macht weiter so, hab mich ...
Ärztehaus Rünthe
Bergkamen, Germany
Petra F
Die Praxis ist sehr gut. Trotzdem ein kleiner Kritikpunkt, ich wurde tagelang vertröstet das der Bericht eines Facharztes noch nicht da sei und dann ...
Herr Dr. Med. Robert Theiss
München, Germany
Maja Zlatanovic
Dr. Robert Theiss operated me on Friday in Helios clinic and I can just recommend him to everyone. He is very kind, competent and professional. The be...
Klinik Für Hämatologie, Onkologie Und Palliativmedizin
Essen, Germany
Hanna H
Einmal und nie wieder.
Gastroenterologie Endoskopie Am Isartor Darmspiegelung
Jay Patel
Best practice in Munich for Gastric disorders. I am currently undergoing treatment with Prof. Dr. Becker. So far, I am extremely satisfied with his ap...
Zentrum Für Endoskopie - Schwerpunktpraxis Gastroenterologie
Starnberg, Germany
Eva Groebmair
Gote Organisation, alle Mitarbeiter freundlich. Untersuchung erfolgte zügig und nach einer guten halben Stunde war alles vorbei. Mittels Schlafspritz...
Chirurgisches Zentrum Der Wolfartklinik / Adipositaszentrum Amc
Gräfelfing, Germany
Daniel Pittrich
Specialist Medical Practice Andrzej Penpicki
Daniel Odzioba
Bardzo dobry lekarz gastrolog. Byłem w tej klinice z dzieckiem szybka i skuteczna diagnoza gastrologiczna. Polecam tego lekarza gastrologa
Mencel-Vet Przychodnia Weterynaryjna
Borek Wielkopolski, Poland
Milena Stanisławska
Polecam!! Już dawno nie spotkałam ludzi, o tak wielkim sercu i jeszcze większym doświadczeniu. Zawsze można liczyć na pomoc. Najlepsza przychodnia, z...
Centrum Gastrologiczne - Gastroskopia, Kolonoskopia, Testy Wodorowe I Wodorowo-Metanowe Worcław
Centrum Medyczne Medispace
Mila van Slooten
I went here recently, during the covid-19 pandemic but I felt very safe, everything was very clean, and they helped me extremely well. I am not from P...
Klinika Medyczna Dobosz - Medycyna Estetyczna, Depilacja, Usuwanie Tatuażu, Redukcja Tłuszczu, Toksyna Botulinowa, Usuwanie Zmarszczek, Lifting, Gdańsk
Gdańsk, Poland
Elsie Breslin
my experience with their team has been great! I've tried so many clinics, this was the best by far. Doctor Magda taught me so much about my skin and t...
Pracownia Usg I Elastografii - Tynecki
Suwałki, Poland
Gastro Health Chantilly Office & Endoscopy Center
Trustfeed Score 2.8
Chantilly, United States
Sara P
Someone calls you less than 3 days before the procedure that YOU need to check if your insurance covers the anesthesia group. The anesthesia groups va...
Gastrolog Dr N. Med. Tadeusz Szwed
Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki, Poland
Basia Ziemkiewicz
Center Respiratory Diseases And Allergies
Trustfeed Score 4.8
Monterrey, Mexico
Wendy Chavez
Muy recomendable y buena atención :)
Centro Veterinario Capua Sl
Javier Barranco
Acudí sin cita y sin ser cliente habitual al encontrarme por allí de vacaciones. Me atendieron enseguida y lo hicieron con un trato e interés exquisi...
Urología Aplicada - Urólogos Madrid
Madrid, Spain
Nicolas Meana
Les recomiendo del todo. Acudí muy preocupado y el Dr. Leibar me tranquilizo desde el principio. Me explico todo de forma muy sencilla y, lo más impo...
Consulta Digestivo Dra. Maria Cervera
Valencia, Spain
Aurora De Miguel
Super profesional pero a la vez cercana, amable y con mucha empatía. Te explica todo las veces que haga falta para que lo entiendas y no tiene prisa....
Medical Services Santa-Cruz
Sevilla, Spain
Elena Jiménez García
No tienen vergüenza. Me cobraron 200 euros por recibirme y hacerme una ecografía, y a los dos días llamo y el doctor ni recuerda de qué problemas le ...
Dr. Toledo-Pimentel Víctor
Trustfeed Score 3.7
Alicante, Spain
Paula Miranda Poveda
Solo digo que si tenéis que haceros una manometría, id a endoscopias Murcia. Hacedme caso. La diferencia es abismal. Merece la pena.
Centre Veterinari Roquetes
Les Roquetes, Spain
Mihailescu Mihailescu
Lleve al gato para un control de oidos. Dijeron que tenia un poco de otitis y le hicieron una limpieza de los oidos,echandole liquido para limpieza d...
Endos Medicina Slp
Trustfeed Score 3.2
Barcelona, Spain
Laura Diaz
Muy buen trato al paciente. Me hice una gastro-colonoscopia y estaba bastante nerviosa. Te cuidan y te tranquilizan Especial mención a Marta (enferme...
Ivadi Instituto Valenciano Digestivo
Catherine Nicholls
Great doctors, friendly and professional.
Dr. Michael Peters, Febg
Vanessa Schon
A business first, a medical practice second!! I would not recommend.
Dr. Rodrigo Jover
Clínica De Digestivo Dr. Fernando Aparicio Tenerife Especialistas 289256
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain
Stuart Hall
Unprofessional, rude, and aggressive. I have never felt so insulted and mistreated in my life. As of now I will begin legal action against this clinic...
Advanced Pediatrics Gastroenterology - Sanjeev Khurana, Md
Glendale, United States
Angela Witten
My daughter had an appointment scheduled with Dr. Khurana. Unfortunately, we had to reschedule the appointments twice due to the pandemic. They told m...
Reteaua De Sanatate Regina Maria
Iași, Romania
Andrei Amariucai
The Regina Maria from Iasi is a well equipped and well staffed private hospital, which collaborates with many other health clinics around Iasi. They ...
Budai Gasztroenterológiai Centrum
Mónika Sipos
Altatásos gyomor - és vastagbéltükrözésen voltam dr. Bacher-Takács Tímeánál. dr. Ördög László volt az aneszteziológos és Marosvölgyi Katalin a szakas...
Behzad Kalaghchi, Md
Fairfax, United States
My husband visited Dr. Kalaghchi in September of 2020. He quickly wanted to do an endoscopy and then basically just did not care about treating him. W...
Ahmed Hegab, Md
Lindsey Moon
Dr. Hegab had good bedside manner and he quickly and accurately diagnosed many issues with my GI tract. However, I have gastroparesis (paralyzed stoma...
Gastro Health
Seattle, United States
Tyronne Jefferson
I have been a patient with this clinic for many years. They've been very good to me especially Dr Hinds. Although he has retired, I still have confide...
Nader H. Balba Md
Dr. Byungki Kim, Md
Arizona Centers For Digestive Health - West Phoenix
Phoenix, United States
veronica Portillo
Dr Mellen is amazing he was very helpful and supportive. I feel very convenient he will do everything he can to get the treatment i need. The woman in...
Loudoun Gastroenterology
Leesburg, United States
Jayshree Iyer
Called to make an appointment for my elderly Dad. Extremely rude receptionist. Didn't want to listen to what you had to say. Website says doc acceptin...