Companies on Trustpilot can choose relevant categories to describe their industry, products, or services. All companies in a category are eligible to be best in that category if they’re actively asking for reviews and have received 25 or more reviews in the last 12 months. Some companies on Trustpilot aren’t eligible to be best in a category, and others aren’t on Trustpilot at all.
Rascals Teriyaki Grill
Trustfeed Score 4.5
Torrance, United States
Bill Bill
My kid got sick today off the chicken bowl. We ordered it right when they opened. The rest of family ate salad luckily. I called to let them know. The...
No reviews yet.
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La Tâche D'encre
Trustfeed Score 4.4
Moulins-lès-Metz, France
Pascal Lang
Warung So So Lobi
Trustfeed Score 4.1
Rotterdam, Netherlands
M Fadl
Good, chicken was a bit burned
Warung Redjo
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Chanelle Cindy
This is one of my favorite places to get good, tasty food, and really friendly/ kind service. Today I was left some what puzzled to arrive at this fav...
Maskasushi | Маска-Суши Ресторан Японской Кухни
Oleh Lototskyy
Great selection of sushi and platter combinations, the service is good overall.
Shabu 18 Crown
Trustfeed Score 4.2
Prawet, Thailand
Thanapan Singhadhepthada
OMG ! Why I missed this place this place was nearby my office and everything in the menu was to fresh meaning like the factory was the backyard in thi...
Shimiaodao Yunan Rice Noodle
Trustfeed Score 4.0
Queens, United States
Hai Ngo
Loved my experience. Hearty portions
Roti Mahal
Trustfeed Score 3.9
Almere, Netherlands
Cassius Duke
Nice food and pleasant staff. In Mauritius the Dal Puri is something of a National Treasure, and today I found my first Restaurant outside of London ...
Indonesisch Restaurant Keraton Damai V.O.F.
Trustfeed Score 4.7
Den Haag, Netherlands
Yornik Heyl
Very good rijst table and friendly staff.
Toko Kaminah Exotic - Surinaams, Javaans En Indonesische Eethuis, Afhaal, Toko En Catering
Dordrecht, Netherlands
Joe Pijleman
This place is an exotic restaurant, really delicious. Very appetizing.
Koali Lounge & Dine
Beyoğlu, Turkey
Antoine St-Amour
Highly recommended. Affordable, good and they don't lie when they say spicy!
Al Kahaf Restaurant
Ras al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates
Jaber M.
Good classic basic Shawarma, nothing extraordinary. But the Hamdan Sandwich is what sets them apart from the competition. It's very simple, one skewer...
Sushi Shop Company
Trustfeed Score 3.0
Angkringan Jogja
Trustfeed Score 4.6
Die die must try! Truly Indonesian food and truly deliciouz. This is street food at its best. The food, the atmosphere, the feel, everything about it ...
Jawa Timur Rumah Makan
Anda Chang
Ordinary food and nothing special
Warung Makan Bu Wilis
Kota Batam, Indonesia
Mbak Kam : Sedia Sarapan Pagi
Martin Laoli
Warung Ayam Bakar Bu Ch
Ronny Dosmon
Tasty food, I like it
Rm. Begadang Dua/Khas Jawa
Sanggau Regency, Indonesia
supirianus Panus
Wiji's Waroeng
Batam City, Indonesia
Sebastian Brozek
We had a good Dinner there, the food is tasty and the staff is very kind. Coming back soon. Terima kasih banyak.
Ayam Bakar Gus Pur (Taman Raya)
S F Seiei
I like the food taste here, especially saute mushroom kale. and the kangkung bilis saute is delicious too. but if u really in a rush and really hungr...
Soto Ayam Lamongan
N4ND4 77
Soto Ayam Joyoboyo
Trustfeed Score 4.3
Yeni Triayuningsih
Regular visit since 2002
Warung Budhe Khas Jawa
ardy aristiawan
Not bad...
Prasmanan Jawa Timur
maradona ali
Tempat makan yang murah meriah..
Warteg Rembulan
Trustfeed Score 4.8
Nana Wijaya
murah meriah makanan lumayan enak, langganan orang rumah ini mah.
Warung Pacitan Mbk Lena Leni
Denny siska
This place have delicious food to eat, expensive price, and good peopLe services.
Warung Makan Pacitan
Galuh Rachmawati
The best food i like sate kambing tasty , sotong goreng tepung my favorite . Price cheap and worth it . Place not nice but consider ok . I willing to ...
Nasi Pecel
purnama sari
Warung Rujak Cingur
Warung Pojok Tiban 1
heny fiasri
Warung Makan Bu Dhe/Solo
Warteg Bu Wati
Nadine_Putih Soaduan
Lunch option
Soto Kwali Sukoharjo Makmur
Muhammad Faqih
Taste good . Cheap price. Big enough kuah
Jawa Sidoroso
Sate Jawa Ayam Kambing
Trustfeed Score 5.0
Warteg Prasmanan
Maulia Ayam Penyet
Amanat Turrohmah
Lesehan Mbak Luluk Jawa Timur
Hariyadi Adi
Warung Makan Bu Ida
Felix Salim
Soto Ayam yang lezat menjadi andalan di restoran ini
Warung Ayam Penyet Kali Jogo Pak Didik
Warung Makan Jawa Bude Fani
Awal Luddin
Warungnya sederhana ,tapi ramai dikunjungi pembeli.terkadang pembeli di siang hari sampai antrian Di kenal dgn "sayur urapnya" yang sedap nyam-nyam ...
Gudeg Eyang Ti'
berliana oktaria
Gudegnya lumayan mirip sama gudeg jogja, tp ini tipe gudeg basah ya, bukan gudeg yg item itu. Rolade daun singkongnya enakkk. Kreceknya enak,tp bbrp ...
Masakan Jawa
Enak Dan sederhana
Warung Soto Kutay
Kabupaten Sanggau, Indonesia
Jamhir Hir
Bena cofee
Rm Dwi Mandiri ( Bude Ketut )
Leo 'n Blues
Gudeg Jogja
Trustfeed Score 3.7
Imanuel Supriyanto
Nasi goreng petai nya.. Uenak tenann..
Ayam Bakar Pak Roso
bayu anggara
Very tasty and average rate.
Warung Makan Barokah
Faried Remansyah
G ad tutorial
Warung Makan Suka Moro
Warung Makan Jowo
Bintan Regency, Indonesia
Jago D Dodolan
My taste buds are still dancing from our last visit! This was one of the best mouth-watering steaks I've had grace my taste buds in a long time. I was...
Warung Kampoeng
metta bayu cahyanti
nice place for family
Paparisa Ayam Penyet
noventus pribadi
Ayam sambal...ayam rica2...enak mantab...bonus sop tidak pakai micin
Angkringan Nasi Gandul Yu Ginem
Wira Satria
Local food from Java, serving nasi gandul (rice with selection of beef innards) and nasi jamblang (rice with selection of dishes). Food taste good. Th...
Ayam Bakar Lamongan
shopi aja
Enak,nyaman bersih
Warung Jawa
putra Meranti jaya official
Tempat saya makan
Soto Ayam Jawa
Warung Warteg
Trustfeed Score 3.5
Kabupaten Bintan, Indonesia
Iwan To
Warung makan murah meriah... Masakannya juga lumayan enak... Menu beragam seperti lele goreng... Telur dadar... Ayam goreng dan menu menu lain sepert...
Tahu Campur Malang
africeli marcell
Warung Nasi Jawa Bude Siti
NaBiL Ikhsan
Rumah Makan Gusti Mantap"
Ifan Blackmore
Indonesian Restaurant food.....we tried this food on 18 Des 2017.
Warung Johar Mie Ciplak
Whisnoe Junaidy
Pecel Rice ... my favorite.
Warung Makan Jawa (Sederhana)
Kota Tanjung Pinang, Indonesia
lombok cabe
Makananan sederhana cita rasa jawa, maknyus beib...
Ayam Bakar Pak Dee
Rocky Batam Freight Forwarder
Sambalnya paling top se baloi Tiap hari makan di mari cui.
Soto Mbak Eny
Ekou Wijaya7733
Menurut info toko tutup dgn alasan ingin pulang kampung
Warung Bu Anis
Rian Bn Hapirin
buffet, javanese food
Rm Jaya Rasa
Official Fella Henry
Recommend!!!! Enakkk bgt....
Warung Makan Bu Esih
Kabupaten Bengkayang, Indonesia
Warung Makan Mak Iyam
Ayam Geprek Tanjungpinang
Chinqz Channels
This place's beautiful From outside (top) you won't see it's beauty but when you go down, wow. Just wow. Good place to take pictures. I don't have th...
Rm. Ayam Kalasan Ala Bu Santi
Yoga Arya Walantara
Oke punya
Warung Makan Jawa Timur
Kabupaten Sekadau, Indonesia
Warung Jawa Timur
Kristian Sakti
Nyaman banget
Restoran Ayam Penyet Wong Solo
Kota Pontianak, Indonesia
suryo winoto
Good for gathering event, delicious taste of food
Ayam Geprek Cendana
It tastes decent but the price is quite high for Ayam Geprek. There's still many places that offer an even more delicious food but cheaper price.
Warung Geprek Ndhower
Kubu Raya Regency, Indonesia
Thyo Bloye
Good place to eat geprek chicken. The taste of the chicken is tasty and spicy. For you who love spicy foods order level 10 geprek here, it's really go...
Warung Ayam Geprek Bu Ayu
Trustfeed Score 4.9
Yusuf Gilang Ramadhan
Love it
Rm Jawa Indah
Joko Yuwono
Penginapan dan Rumah Makan sederhana Jawa Indah
Warung Makan Wong Solo Bu Yanti
rinto hlf24
Enak bnr
Ayam Ulekan
Kota Singkawang, Indonesia
Akhmad Fiqri
The food is not bad tho, but there's ants on the table.
Angkringan Mas Pri
Hubertus Cahyo Argo
Food was ok. Cheap price tho.
Ayam Geprek Bu Arti
Rumah Makan Jawa Budhe
Soto Solo Berseri
handoko halim
The place was quite easy to find The parking lot was not really wide, better by motorcycle The moment when you enter this place was not really bright ...
Moro Seneng Warung Lamongan
NUSWANTORO banyuwangi
Joos tenan
Warung Bakso Pak Mamas (Khas Jogja)
Kabupaten Kubu Raya, Indonesia
sTilL sLow hanD
Ayam Geprek Pangeran
Sambalnye mantap
Mie Ayam Pancasila
Dendy Kurniary
Best Chicken Noodle on pontianak quantity based.
Warung Nasi Bude Titik
Koko Riska
Warung Makan Asam Pedas Fajar Timur
Karimun Regency, Indonesia
Ayam Bakar
Sintang Regency, Indonesia
Warung Bu Kasmini
Kabupaten Sintang, Indonesia
Soto Ayam Kediri
Singkawang City, Indonesia
Salmiah Isal
Makanan enak, cocok buat anak anak dan makan bersama. Pelayan bagus dan ramah, harga murah meriah dan tidak terlalu mahal. Alhamdulillah saya sangat...
Ayam Geprek Dita
Trustfeed Score 1.7
Pontianak, Indonesia
Rocket Bunny
ape ni
Ayam Penyet Dan Ayam Bakar Mas Prie
Kabupaten Karimun, Indonesia
Ade Halim
Favorite at friday time
Soto Ayam Sobat Lama
Ayam Geprek Merepek
Joris Kris Anto
Warung Mbak Ani
Sofyan Asp
Murah Meriah cuma 5000 perak
Ketoprak Khas Jawa
Aprians Firdaus
Mau sarapan kenyang kesini aja. Plus gorengannya harga 1.000 tapi lebih besar dari yang di jual di angkringan depan GP. Jualannya lumayan bersih, han...