Companies on Trustpilot can choose relevant categories to describe their industry, products, or services. All companies in a category are eligible to be best in that category if they’re actively asking for reviews and have received 25 or more reviews in the last 12 months. Some companies on Trustpilot aren’t eligible to be best in a category, and others aren’t on Trustpilot at all.
Nourishing By Nature
Trustfeed Score 5.0
Cheltenham, United Kingdom
Laila has helped me hugely in balancing hormones and reducing my acne. I feel very supported and positive about the future! Would highly recommend.
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Greenwich Naturopathy Clinic
Trustfeed Score 4.0
London, United Kingdom
Emma Catlow
Jessica is just amazing - she has helped me hugely over the past few months after going to her with some random symptoms and health problems. She is s...
Down To Earth Health
Trustfeed Score 4.5
Selkirk, United Kingdom
Dilly Cleave
Rosemary is fantastic. I have been having treatments from Rosemary for over 10 years. When ever me or any of my family are feeling under the weather R...
Salix Health And Wellbeing Centre
Portsmouth, United Kingdom
Kirsten McFarlane
Great shop, run by a talented herbalist. holistic therapies in old portsmouth, including hypnotherapy, and professional massage. I have recently joine...
Bannside Pharmacy Ltd
Trustfeed Score 4.3
Leah Milliken
Incompetent and negligent staff, would avoid if possible.
Kirsty Lander - Naturopath And Bodytalk Practitioner
Sophie Rochette
I came to Kirsty after struggling with acne for years. Having tried all the different medical routes that didn’t work. She is very knowledgeable and t...
The Osteo Practice
Sarah Young
Matt was recommended to me and I am so pleased I went to him for help. Have been suffering from headaches for a number of years and no other specialis...
Cheshire Kinesiology & Reiki Centre
Northwich, United Kingdom
Louise Cookson
Where do I start.. Margaret is a true professional and she can’t do enough to help you.. I had distance reiki sessions after a bad fall in November in...
Naturally Healing Bristol
Kathryn Lampitt
I recently started regular yoga classes with Sarah. I have been doing yoga for a few years but I was really keen to improve my alignment and technique...
Trustfeed Score 3.0
High Wycombe, United Kingdom
Keith Stark
Great service, Lucy resolved my lower back issue. I would definitely recommend.
Alan Slater
Swaffham, United Kingdom
Alan treated my dog Dexter Chinese crested a few years ago, I couldn't leave a review back then, but I have never 4 got how changed dexters life, he h...
Bamp Training
Metz, France
Coraline Michenaud
Une super salle de sport ! Un suivi personnalisé et une équipe très sympa ! On transpire dans la bonne humeur, et on revient avec plaisir. N'hésitez ...
Guillaume Gatti, Pédicure - Podologue
Garches, France
isabelle sadler
Professionnalisme rigueur douceur écoute ! Je recommande sans aucune hésitation !
Amplitude Kinesiologie
Viuz-en-Sallaz, France
danielle Aurenche
Très belle expérience de découverte de la kinesiologie L aide d Alexandre est précieuse dans les moments difficiles qu il nous donne la force de gére...
Valérie Ançay Kinésiologue
Saxon, Switzerland
Florine Tornay
J ai pu faire plusieurs séance chez Valérie, depuis quelques années, et à chaque fois je redécouvre toute sa douceur, son non-jugement et sa bienveil...
Villa Catherine - Colocation Professionnelle
Vannes, France
Gestion Du Stress, Émotions, Kinésiologue - Cabinet Muriel Roques
Muret, France
Bea Lpt
Je recommande Muriel à toute personne souhaitant se libérer de ses blocages et avancer en toute sérénité. Merci à elle pour ces échanges et son suivi...
Lery Céline
Rodez, France
Les Sens Du Bien-Etre
Trustfeed Score 4.9
Chaville, France
Sarah L
Savoir-faire et bienveillance... Un vrai moment de bien-être ! Merci Anita
Korram - Réflexologie, Kinésiologie Et Massages
Martigny, Switzerland
gladys gessler
Thérapeute intuitif. Aisance dans l’accueil. Discrétion et respect de la personne. Soin adapté. Guide au niveau de l’esprit pour que chacun-e retrouv...
Mrs. Véronique Briguet
Nikles Thérapies Cabinet De Kinésiologie Et Reboutement
Collombey-Muraz, Switzerland
Michel Barman
Bien de bonnes ondes et soin plus que correct
Jm Kinésiologie
Monthey, Switzerland
Seguin Corinne
Brignoles, France
Patrick Ferrand
De grandes compétences !
Centre Oasis
Trustfeed Score 4.8
Waterloo, Belgium
Jane Usuwiel
En plus d'être une super bonne esthéticienne, Anne est formidable! Je recommande!
⚕️ Psychologue Tours : Sophrologue Laure Robin À Tours
Tours, France
Marion Gleizes
Je recommande vivement Laure Robin. C'est une praticienne investie et très à l'écoute. Elle possède beaucoup d'outils pour vous aiguiller au mieux. O...
Consultante En Gestion Du Stress-Kinésiologue
Trustfeed Score 4.7
Savenay, France
Aude Camberlin
Personne très agréable qui est de très bons conseils, qui a pu nous aider sur pleins de plans surtout au niveau du stress et des émotions. Je recomma...
Goffin Antoine
Anne de Carvalho
Experience très enrichissante...
Kinésiologue Montpellier, Frédérique Bunel Espelt
Montpellier, France
Apaiser son ventre
J'estime avoir beaucoup de chance d'avoir eu ma première expérience en kinesiologie avec Frédérique. Très douce et profondément humaine elle est en p...
Stéphanie Ruiu Kinésiologue Montpellier - Équilibrages Énergétiques
Mathilde Coste
Super séance , excellente kinésiologue je vous la recommande .
Philippe Nicol Kinésiologue Montpellier - Kinésiologie Montpellier
Charlotte Fabre
Praticien très humain et à l’écoute. Il m’a beaucoup aidé en quelques séances.
Mireille Lebasque
Corpea Training
Siracusa, Italy
Antonio Di Marco
Per me il meglio a Siracusa; Grande esperienza, molto capace, poche chiacchiere,molti fatti, GRANDI risultati.
Davide Carli
Rimini, Italy
Gio Twenty Miles
Numero 1
Parma, Italy
Giulio Golini
Credo che a Parma sia difficile trovar di meglio, una garanzia ! Consiglio vivamente
Osteopata Dr.Ssa Elisa Billò , Sovico , Monza Brianza ( Mb )
Sovico, Italy
Antonio Russo
Mi sono rivolto alla Dott.ssa Billo' per problemi di cervicale. Dopo due sedute mi ha davvero rigenerato, comprendendo e lavorando sull'origine del p...
Health Center Experience
Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Italy
Vital Center Palestre
Sora, Italy
Francesca Casinelli
Cordialità professionalità e cortesia... istruttori sempre disponibili e gentili... Ambiente pulito e ben organizzato... consiglio palestre Vital Cen...
Palestra New Life Centro Fitness And Wellness
Aradeo, Italy
Mike Tyson
Ottima palestra e centro fitness, grande e capiente con tanti macchinari!
Giancarlo Merlo
Pinerolo, Italy
Centro Igea - Fisioterapia E Riabilitazione - Marsala
Marsala, Italy
Lucrezia Lauducina
Anche se pochi giorni di trattamento per il mio corpo ho trovato il Dr. Marano molto praprato professionale e disponibile.
Studio Ricciardelli | Fisioterapia . Posturologia . Osteopatia
Portici, Italy
Carlo Molinari
Sempre professionali, cordiali e disponibili, hanno subito colto le mie problematiche e risolto in breve tempo. Spero di non avere più problemi, ma i...
Centro Igea
Borgosesia, Italy
Giuseppe Ciani
L osteopata è molto bravo e preparato, oltre a guarire il male cerca di prevenire che non ritorni. Consigliatissimo!
Unika Fitness Club
Martina Franca, Italy
Laura Caroli
Tantissime attività tra cui scegliere, per qualsiasi tipologia di fascia d'età o di interesse.
Centro Sportivo Coopernuoto Piscine & Palestre
Trustfeed Score 4.1
Alide Pinto
Great olympic sized pool! I love swimming, although I was afraid for many years before I learned how to do it. This pool has always been clean with cr...
Fabio Occhipinti Personal Trainer Catania
Catania, Italy
Patrizia Scalia
Ho iniziato la mia esperienza col team a Gennaio del 2019 insieme a mio marito. Scettica ma con tanta voglia di rimettermi in forma . Ho voluto inves...
Studio Prof. Dott. Carmelo Giuffrida
Giuseppe Musumeci
Sono già 3 mesi che mi alleno nello studio del prof Giuffrida .Devo dire che mi trovo davvero bene ,mi piace l atmosfera che si crea visto che i comp...
Dott. Fabio Mazza / Osteopata Monza
Monza, Italy
marco monguzzi
Il Dott. Mazza è molto preparato e competente. Soffrivo di dolore e fastidio al ginocchio da un po' di anni a causa di un'operazione di ricostruzione...
Marlise Bühler
Luzern, Switzerland
Massage & Coaching Wiebke Zander
Fockbek, Germany
Andreas Schmidt
Sehr schnelle Terminvergabe und es gab keine Wartezeit, ich kam sofort dran. Das Ambiente war einladend und gemütlich. Nicht überladen. Frau Zander h...
Kineto Relax
Satu Mare, Romania
Массажист Николаев. Лечебный Массаж Спины, Шеи. Лечение Остеохондроза, Сколиоза, Кифоза. Мануальщик.
У меня были боли в спине, но благодаря вам смог решить эту проблему . После прохождения курса , я почувствовал легкость в теле , почувствовал как сво...
Art Therapy Center - Centru De Masaj In Galati
Galați, Romania
Diana Şerbu
Had my first massage here. Awesome & relaxing \u003c3. Definitely recommend
Dopomozhy Sobi Sam
Оксана Кирилова
Гарний центр. Підпсисали декларацію із сімейним лікарем і вже декілька разів зверталися: небо і земля у порівнянні із державними закладами. Компетент...
Психотерапевт Валентина Гриценко
Anzhelika Ivashchenko
Прошла очень глубокую коррекцию у Валюши. Поразила профессиональность и широта знаний Вали, как специалиста. Пришла с темой \Страх колдовства\, котор...
Студія Прикладної Кінезіології
Sanitätshaus Ortho Form Sauerland Gmbh & Co. Kg
Lennestadt, Germany
Daniel Hammecke
Schade das man nur 5 Sterne vergeben kann ,obwohl Wochenende und zu wurde uns mit einem Hilfsmittel weiter geholfen! !!! Sehr schnell und mit einer F...
Heilpraktikerin Ulrike Weis
Lüneburg, Germany
christine kayser
Frau Weis arbeitet ruhig und überlegt. Sie nimmt sich Zeit, um Fragen zu beantworten und hat mir bei unterschiedlichen Beschwerden (u.a. Migräneanfäl...
Praxis Für Physiotherapie Und Krankengymnastik / Karin Stützel
Heidenheim an der Brenz, Germany
J.E.K. K.
Hatte eine erfolgreiche Kombi aus Manueller- und Bobath-Behandlung. Sehr freundliches und kompetentes Team. Zu Empfehlen, daher 5 Sterne von mir.
Heilpraktikerin Marie Schnack
Leipzig, Germany
Anna Pokorna
I can only highly recommend Marie. I have been suffering with digestion issues for a very long time and she managed to find out the root of the issue ...
Silke Riediger-Hoffmann
Helmstedt, Germany
Dr. Med. Reinhard Schiller | Facharzt Für Allgemeinmedizin Und Naturheilverfahren
Geisenhausen, Germany
Ewald Daffner
Ich bin seit über 30 Jahren in ärztlicher Behandlung beim Dr. Schiller. Ich habe noch keinen besseren Arzt gefunden, geschweige, einen der so umfasse...
Sehkraft - Constanze Hamann
Stollberg/Erzgeb., Germany
Roland Richter
Wir, meine Frau und ich können Frau Hamann nur Danke sagen. Es war eine sehr angenehme, aufgeschlossene und fachlich fundierte Beratung. Mit unseren ...
Dr. Med. Christine Köster
Attendorn, Germany
Konrad Bosch | Therapie Und Prävention
Ludwigsburg, Germany
Prof. Tilo Staudenrausch
Wenn es um ganzheitliche Therapie geht, ist Konrad Bosch wärmstens zu empfehlen. Saubere Anamnese, schnelle Erfolge.
Monas Tierphysio, Osteopathie & Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin, Tierheilpraxis, Kinesiologie
Abensberg, Germany
Naturheilpraxis Mayer-Sonnenburg - Heilpraktiker Augsburg - Allergie-Behandlung
Augsburg, Germany
Herr Sonnenburg ist ein sehr netter Mensch. Der sich in seinem Gebiet sehr gut auskennt. Er hat mir sehr geholfen, ich kann Herrn Sonnenburg sehr emp...
Heilpraxis Pura, Caroline Thinius
Rendsburg, Germany
Nike Menzel
Absolute Empfehlung! Bei Caroline Thinius in der Heilpraxis pura fühlt man sich wunderbar aufgehoben und sehr gut betreut. Dank ihrer tollen Arbeit...
Physio-Therapie Ute Reisch
Stadthagen, Germany
Eine Praxis, wo man noch als Mensch gesehen wird. Die Mitarbeiter und auch die Chefin nehmen sich die nötige Zeit um einen bei seinem Problem kompete...
Sagravita S.R.O.
Petrovice u Karviné, Czechia
Vendi Bayles
I’ve had an awesome experience at Sagravita Holistic Center while I was visiting the area. I was able to finally understand and isolate the issues I w...
Rehabilitacja Białystok - Signum Wojciech Palczewski
Trustfeed Score 4.4
Białystok, Poland
Weronika Fiedoruk
Pan Palczewski podczas fizjoterapii wykazał się profesjonalizmem i niebywałą cierpliwością. Dokładnie tłumaczył wszystkie ćwiczenia oraz odpowiadał n...
Płock, Poland
Karolina Panek
Nikt igieł nie wbija tak jak Pan Łukasz stres wygniata skutecznie
Mundo Natura (Centro De Ecografías 4D/5D Y Terapias Naturales)
El Zabal, Spain
Antonia Amador exposito
Fuimos a este centro a conocer el sexo del bebe, una experiencia preciosa, el personal encantador y muy profesionales sin duda volveremos a repetir.️
Centro Masajes Samay
This Anomalous Lad
Envié aquí a mi madre con un bono de regalo, el trato conmigo fue estupendo y mi madre ha salido encantada, el mejor masaje que le han dado. Insiste ...
Propiodent Clinica Dental Ubeda
Úbeda, Spain
David González
Grandes profesionales, con un trato cercano que te hace perder el miedo al dentista. Los recomiendo
Osteopatía Gurekin
Barakaldo, Spain
Miguel Ángel
Un crack, hoy fui por un dolor que varios médicos no le encontraban explicación y él en pocos minutos encontró el problema. Así que muy agradecido de...
Curso Quiromasaje Santander - Centro De Estudios De La Salud
Santander, Spain
Integra Estudios Naturales
Algeciras, Spain
Teresa Guallar Cuenca
Muy buena escuela, con una variedad de cursos muy interesantes. Yo probé la experiencia de realizar un curso que tenía 2 niveles más (opcionales cada...
Health Care Unlimited
McAllen, United States
juan salinas
the insurance lady was extremely knowledgeable , helpful and very kind .she went over and beyond to help me and my elderly mother. I will definitely r...
Shen Natur Tarragona
Tarragona, Spain
Georgie Hepburn
I had a very good massage from Natalia, I had a painful shoulder and she really focused on releasing the knots. She also carried out some cupping and ...
Bioqiros :: Medikuntza Integratiboa / Medicina Integrativa
Beasain, Spain
urki balerdi ayerbe
Arreta oso ona, jende oso profesionala eta jatorra.
Herbolario Mundo Holístico
Conil de la Frontera, Spain
Iagoba Fog
Las mejores manos de Cádiz. Belén es una terapeuta con mucha experiencia y un don innato que pocas veces encuentras. Además es una persona amable y s...
Escuela De Masaje Y Centro De Terapias Naturales Jordi
Trustfeed Score 4.6
Castellón de la Plana, Spain
Steven Fototrotter
Came in with a lot of tension and left reborn. Diana knew exactly how the find the spots other massage therapists so often miss.
Centro De Fisioterapia Y Osteopatía \Alcazar Rus\
Baeza, Spain
Gran profesional y excelente trato
Centre De Massatge Ramon Boladeras
Mollet del Vallès, Spain
Mercedes Vázquez gomez
Un lugar que transmite mucha paz. Un gran profesional y confidente. Cuando le he necesitado, ha sabido ver rápidamente cuál era mi problema. Me da se...
Fisio & Health Coimbra - Massagem E Terapias Naturais Coimbra
Coimbra, Portugal
Eamon Daly
Vitor was able to fit me in at extremely short notice! Definitely worth calling to see if you can make an appointment. I got a therepeutic massage and...
Yoga Braga, Rita Gonçalves
Braga, Portugal
Miguel Correia
Um projecto extraordinário, situado num espaço que nos transmite um bem-estar inexplicavelmente bom desde início. A Humanidade dos seus profissionais...
Ekilibrius Centro Terapêutico
Quarteira, Portugal
Nataliya K.
Incredible experience. I had some injuries from practicing sports and I got much better after one session. I highly recommend this center!
Paul Milhazes
Porto, Portugal
Centro Termavi
Vigo, Spain
rosasieva sieva
Una maravillosa experiencia. Tienen unas manos increíbles.
Clínica Elo Natural - Medicina Natural (Hugo Frazão)
Rio Maior, Portugal
Valentine Dind
Lausanne, Switzerland
The Lotus Retreat
Faringdon, United Kingdom
Libby Aley
Emily was so welcoming and friendly and a brilliant yoga teacher. Can't wait to go back next week \u200d️
Health's Angels
Bexley, United Kingdom
Liz Mchugh
I have just completed 16 sessions on the RejuvaDetox. I struggled with carrying cortisol around my stomach area due to stress. Nothing would shift it....
Woodbridge Complementary Health Centre
Woodbridge, United Kingdom
Petra Risbridger
I ran the half marathon on Sunday and my legs were so tight and sore after the race I booked in for a leg massage with Louise Nightingale at the WCHC....
Donegal Kinesiology
Well Balanced Beings
David Madden
Evidenced based treatments.
Oakmead Clinic
Chippenham, United Kingdom
Maria LC
A waste of money I feel I have wasted hundreds of pounds on useless supplements that have made no difference at all and on consultations that did not...
Sports Massage Wolverhampton
Bilston, United Kingdom
Kerry Kearns
I went in with really bad pain in my calf for a few months and after just 1 session with Sat my calf pain has reduced dramatically! I felt very comfor...