Companies on Trustpilot can choose relevant categories to describe their industry, products, or services. All companies in a category are eligible to be best in that category if they’re actively asking for reviews and have received 25 or more reviews in the last 12 months. Some companies on Trustpilot aren’t eligible to be best in a category, and others aren’t on Trustpilot at all.
Leicester Medical School
Trustfeed Score 4.0
Leicester, United Kingdom
Aabeda Sk
Lovely place for students to study
No reviews yet.
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Brighton & Sussex Medical School
Trustfeed Score 4.6
Brighton, United Kingdom
José María Pacheco Benítez
Wonderful and well connected campus, full of life, good food and great staff. The sorroundings are worth to explore, walk around and enjoy. Close to S...
Acepace Training
London, United Kingdom
anca virjean
When I decided to start a new carrier as a dental nurse it was all new and confusing at times. I am lucky to be enrolled in a Ace Pace Training Course...
The Queen's Medical Research Institute - University Of Edinburgh
Trustfeed Score 4.9
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Carol McGregor
Staff were super nice. Made everything very calm and relaxing. Explained fully each step of the way
School Of Medicine - University Of Dundee
Ninewells Hospital & Medical School, United Kingdom
Ms Elizabeth
Regarding Ward15. I was sent to acute unite to double check my symptoms. On arrival male receptionist acted as he to put it in nicest way po...
Swansea Medicine
Trustfeed Score 4.3
Swansea, United Kingdom
Ziaul haque zahid
By watching the classes of Dr Sam webster , l came to know about this university . The classes are really helpful . Thank you sir
Liverpool School Of Tropical Medicine
Trustfeed Score 4.8
Angus DW
Took the diploma in tropical medicine - best decision ever. Wonderful course. The staff are brilliant - wonderful lectures from world leading experts ...
Hull York Medical School
Trustfeed Score 4.5
York, United Kingdom
Hamzah Hussain
looking back I really enjoyed my time at this medical school, would definitely recommend it to others considering a career in medicine
Uk Academy Of Chinese Medicine
Trustfeed Score 3.7
nina menta
My husband brought me a voucher for a session of acupuncture and cupping. When I arrived I was greeted by the owner who was nice enough. I filled out ...
Medical Sciences Teaching Centre
Trustfeed Score 4.4
Oxford, United Kingdom
J aimerai bien faire les etudes de médecine a oxford car c est une très bonne université. J aimerai etre médecin chirurgien plasticien ou orthophonis...
Homeopathy Course Providers Forum
Trustfeed Score 3.0
Coulsdon, United Kingdom
The Kennedy Institute Of Rheumatology
Trustfeed Score 5.0
Zhichao Ai
Skinviva Training
Manchester, United Kingdom
Kirsty Jones
Just completed the foundation course in botox and fillers and absolutely loved it! The whole experience was professional and supportive. With lots of ...
Allam Medical Building
Trustfeed Score 3.8
Hull, United Kingdom
Parichat Arayajaru
Thank you so much for providing a great facilities. Beautiful meeting rooms, lots group learning rooms. Fantastic PG rooms and very nice staffs. Great...
Loxley Building
Phlebotomy Logistics
Stockton-on-Tees, United Kingdom
Nuffield Department Of Population Health
Aviola Sita
How to get a scholarship from my country, Indonesia??
University Of Buckingham Medical School At Milton Keynes University Hospital
Medical And Aesthetics Training Academy - Botox And Dermal Filler Courses
University Of Nottingham Medical School, Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham, United Kingdom
neil smith
Had to attend A&E with pains in my chest stomach area.4.2 21. I have nothing but praise and admiration for the staff the kindness and proffesionism th...
Universite Montpellier I - Faculty Of Medicine
Montpellier, France
This was a very cool experience being in this building. The style, the art, all amazing.
Créteil Medical School
Trustfeed Score 3.9
Créteil, France
Ahmadeno legend
no english in medicine
Ufr Médecine Paris Centre - Université De Paris
Trustfeed Score 4.1
Paris, France
Uriel Ningu
J'ai hate de m'inscrire
Ifsi Angers
Angers, France
Pascal Evain
Faculté De Médecine Montpellier-Nîmes : Campus Arnaud De Villeneuve
Moise Tagbino
Belle faculté
Rangueil Faculty Of Medicine
Toulouse, France
Write Your Name Here
Concours Sup
Tours, France
Concours Sup propose un encadrement sérieux et de qualité. Je me suis sentie bien entourée par le directeur, la directrice ainsi que les élèves des a...
Faculty Of Medicine Pierre Et Marie Curie
Dany Ourti
Je veux ma première année donc c'est cool
Université Paris Sud - Faculty Of Medicine
Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, France
Camelia A
Quality content.
Irfams Prépas Pluripass Et L-Pass, Infirmiers-Ifsi, Accès-Sésame, Droit, Social
Je conseille vivement cette prépa! Bonne dynamique de travail, bons accompagnateurs, à l'écoute, bienveillants, disponibles. Une préparation au conco...
Iuct Oncopole
Michael Morley
The best of everything!
Faculty Of Medicine And Pharmacy
Reims, France
Muhammad Azhar
Good application
Ecole Shen
elisabeth gauzin
A l'Ecole Shen , on est accueilli avec bienveillance parce qu’on est là pour découvrir et apprendre et j'ai trouvé à chaque stage, un professionnalis...
Medical School
Clermont-Ferrand, France
Jacquelline SIMLIWA
C'est la fac ou j'étudie, elle est bien et assez neuve. Par contre la bibliothèque est toujours pleine, elle commence par ce vider après 18h
Trustfeed Score 2.6
Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy, France
Petrus Grainvaillant
Incapable de répondre aux questions posées, ils ne savent même pas si l'un de leur appartement est encore disponible. Quand on loue des studios étudi...
Bersot Formation - Prépa Concours Paces (Médecine, Pharmacie, Kinésithérapie)
Trustfeed Score 4.7
Besançon, France
Bresot Formation m’a accompagné pendant ces 2 longues années, grâce à eux et leurs soutient j’ai su comment m’y prendre grâce à leurs aide de méthodo...
Ime Dominique Lefort
Quentin Duponchel
Quentin Quentin Quentin
Faculté De Médecine
Irving Remy
Les enseignements sont bons Bonnes perspectives d'avenir
La Riche, France
Bibliothèque Universitaire De Santé
Elle est trop bien mais il n'y a jamais de places, elle est ouverte jusqu'à 22h et à partir de 18h tu peux aisément trouver une place
Istituto Italiano Di Osteopatia Srl
Giulianova, Italy
School Of Medicine
Perugia, Italy
Paola Carraro
Molto bello l'edificio ellisse in vetro.
Medizinische Fakultät
Ulm, Germany
Erste Hilfe Kurs Rendsburg, Sanitätsschule Nord
Rendsburg, Germany
Malte Rohwer
Top. Hat wirklich Spass gemacht und ich konnte viel lernen. Trotz Corona guter Praxisanteil, lockerer Dozent der weiss wovon er redet.
Tüv Süd Med.-Psych. Institut Gmbh
Ravensburg, Germany
Tom 3105
Meist nettes Personal. Leider etwas lange Wartezeiten.
Fristo Getränkemarkt
Radebeul, Germany
Katrin Flemming
Die verkåuferin, eine Zumutung, war heute morgen im geschăft. Eine Flasche Bier rutschte mir aus der Hand. Kollegin roick wurde unverschämt und belei...
Rivne State Basic Medical College
Trustfeed Score 4.2
Цьогоріч в липні я вступала до Рівненського медичного коледжу на відділення \Фармація\, та переконалася на власному досвіді , що можна вступити без ф...
Schostka Medical School
Марина Безбородова
Приятное место что бы провести там 4 года жизни ( с каникулами включительно)
Каменчанин СаБ
Здвние хорошее а преподают чушь! \уважаемые\ педаГОГИ-позор!
Измаильское Медицинское Училище Ооо
Trustfeed Score 2.9
Ирина Вахнован
Cherkasy Medical Academy
Peter Agh
Sambir Medical College
Trustfeed Score 3.6
Христина Ярема
А після 11 які для вступу потрібно предмети?
Medychnyy Koledzh
Kolomyysʹkyy Medychnyy Koledzh Im. I.Franka
Лілія Палійчук
Гарний коледж, викладачі чудові.Директор просто супер, рекомендую, поступати у медичний коледж!
Novohrad-Volyns'kyi Medychnyy Koledzh
Дмитро Самчук
Чудовий заклад для отримання знань! Викладачі гарно ставляться до студентів, завжди готові допомогти. Крута база.
Kiev Medical University Ufam, Stomatology Center
Pratap Singh
Good college
National Medical Academy Of Post-Graduate Education Named After P.L. Shupik
Ismaila Sani
Excellent services. Great job
Obou Spo L'govskiy Meditsinskiy Kolledzh
The Selection Committee Of Dnepropetrovsk Medical Academy
Bambam Chaurasia
Best one.....
Pervomaysʹkyy Medychnyy Koledzh
Василий Шинкаренко
Самое крутое воспитание мед. роботников. Есть с кого взять пример.
Carrington College
Trustfeed Score 3.5
Phoenix, United States
Leisvy Sanchez
Studying at Carrington College is a gigantic step towards my dreams and desires as a professional. From the first day I felt well oriented and on a sa...
Medical Allied Career Center Inc.
Santa Fe Springs, United States
Guadalupe Cruz
Excellent service. Best instructor for CPR class
David Geffen School Of Medicine At Ucla
Los Angeles, United States
Elena Jácome
Hello! I have a question. I need help to contact the department about rare diseases, neuroendocrinology. I know, I'm sure this University is the best ...
Dnipropetrovsk Medical Institute Of Traditional And Alternative Medicine
Akhtar Amim
Nice place i love snow and dnipros nature
Emory Orthopaedics & Spine Center At Atlanta (Brookhaven)
Atlanta, United States
Mynyon Patrick
Dr. Gottschalk removed a ganglion cyst that I had on my wrist a few years ago and I was very satisfied with the results and would recommend him. The c...
Ut Southwestern Medical Center
Trustfeed Score 3.1
Dallas, United States
Tim Bleeker
Horrible experience!!!! While in the ER my Iphone and 500 cash were taken by a nurse and tech to be stored and was given a gown. A few hours later as ...
Pvnz \Mizhnarodnyy Koledzh Svyatoho Luky\
Лариса Дарвиш
Шановні діти і батьки коледж не має ліцензію!!!!! Діти закінчили коледж в цьому році ще й досі не видали дипломи!!! Батьки та діти в розпачі...три ро...
Lʹvivsʹkyy Instytut Medsestrynstva Ta Laboratornoyi Medytsyny Im. A. Krupynsʹkoho
Taras Lytvyn
3 серпня 2019 року він має нову назву: ВНКЗ ЛОР \Львівська медична академія імені Андрея Крупинського
Pima Medical Institute - Mesa
Mesa, United States
Elizabeth Flores
I just called. The guy gave me no information. He kind of gave up on me after I told him I had a full time job. He told me I was not going to be succe...
Cristina Delgado
Unprofessional. Went to school here in 2018 but couldn’t finish it off. I contacted them a little over a YEAR ago so I can restart my path. Was in tou...
Human Medicine Uaz
J. Gabriel Díaz de León Díaz de León
Alma Matter
Pima Medical Institute - Phoenix
Listen to the reviews!!!! Don’t waste your money here at least for VA program, I had MANY issues as soon as I entered the VA building, out of all the ...
Институт За Ортопедију Бањица
Robert Etheridge
Not a place i wanted to visit on holiday But the medical staff here were great( much better than UK) Hvala
Berlin-Brandenburg School For Regenerative Therapies
Berlin, Germany
Springer Verlag Gmbh
Heidelberg, Germany
Arvind Nikam
Cool place..
Urologe Markus Gog, Facharzt Für Urologie Crailsheim, Tumortherapie, Andrologie
Crailsheim, Germany
Yasemin Oymak
Freundlich , Hilfsbereit einfach sehr gut
Physiotherapieschule Hessisch Lichtenau
Hessisch Lichtenau, Germany
Claudia Guntow
Anrufen...vorbeikommen...bewerben...und dann beurteilen...
Medizinische Hochschule Hannover Schlaflabor
Hannover, Germany
Medica Collegium Medyczne Szczecin, Szkoły Medyczne I Policealne, Kursy Zawodowe.
Paulina Tabaczka
Jeden wielki bałagan ,zero pomocy ,zero przekazu informacji, złe podejście do ucznia co działa na jego niekorzyść . Szkoła prywatna a gorsza niż publ...
Wroclaw Medical University
Wrocław, Poland
Karol Cichocki
Breslau Medicine
Zespół Medycznych Szkół Policealnych - Medyk Ciechanów, Szkoła Medyczna
Ciechanów, Poland
Medical University Of Gdańsk
Gdańsk, Poland
Arshdeep Singh
Never ever recommend. Oldest university but still staffs are very rude and not at all trust worthy. Not at all helping nature. They can ask anytime to...
Szkoła Policealna Pro Civitas W Kielcach
Kielce, Poland
Konrad Bednarski
Najlepsze szkoły dla dorosłych i kursy w regionie. Nowoczesne podejście do edukacji. Nauczyciele i trenerzy praktycy w swoich dziedzinach.
Military Medical Institute
Trustfeed Score 3.3
Warszawa, Poland
Matt Bucovskyi
very hard moment, a lot of tears of my girl, but u helped us at 5 am.. thank u
Wydział Wojskowo-Lekarski Uniwersytetu Medycznego W Łodzi
Łódź, Poland
Kris Czajka
1 za kiepskie stojaki rowerowe
Creighton University
Omaha, United States
Kari Watts
Creighton has a beautiful campus. The students are bright and friendly and it seems to be a very inclusive environment.
Medyczna Szkoła Policealna Nr 3 Im.Dr Andrzeja Krocina W Warszawie
Mili wykładowcy, duże wskazanie na praktykę nie umniejszając zajęciom teoretycznym, jedynym mankamentem jest wymiar, jak i ustawienie godzin zajęć.
Cambridge College Of Healthcare And Technology
Shanice Jackson
I just want to give a special that to the Radiology program. The teachers are amazing but after I finish Ms. Melissa reached out to me and I have been...
Sevilla, Spain
alvarito lopez
1 hora esperando a que abrieran la secretaría, en dia de finales.
Facultat De Medicina
Barcelona, Spain
Kevin Eliezer
Nicely integrated between the campus, hospital, and IDIBAPS.
Departamento Medicina Clínica Umh
Sant Joan, Spain
Consulta Aparato Digestivo Dr Robles / Dr Romero
Cabra, Spain
Patricio López
El dr. Romero me valoró y encontró el origen de mis problemas digestivos. Lo mejor es que lo explica todo con mucha cercanía y buen trato.
Cirugía Plástica Dr. Jose Miguel No Garcia
Silvia gazquez Oronich
La perfeccio existeix, al menys al meu cas. Vaig arrivar amb un cos malmes per la perdua masiva de pes i he sortit fantasticament perfecta. Avans i d...
Acupuntura Y Medicina Tradicional China. Formación Y Consultas
Málaga, Spain
cristina torres
Su profundo conocimiento y su gran profesionalidad, son su marca personal. La pasión por transmitir sus conocimientos, su precisión comunicativa, y s...
Morehouse School Of Medicine
Leigh Roy
DO NOT GO HERE! I was billed over 200 for a check up but I was specifically told at the desk and by the doctor herself that I would be paying around 3...
Núcleo De Estudantes De Medicina Da Universidade Do Minho (Nemum)
Braga, Portugal
Hugo Gomes
Pessoal simpático!
British College Of Osteopathic Medicine
Jackie Prooth
Very good treatment
Texas Health And Science University -- Austin
Austin, United States
Ryan Haecker
I have had a wonderful experience at the Texas Health and Science University. They provide affordable education in traditional Chinese medicine and bu...
Fortis College
Smyrna, United States
The best college experience! There are not too many schools that are as helpful as the team of staff at Fortis College Smyrna, Ga and I’m sure the oth...
South Texas Isd Health Professions
Mercedes, United States
Sumaya Erabti
I am an alumni and graduated from south Texas High School in 2015. I had terrible experiences at this high school all due to the vice principal RIGO O...