Companies on Trustpilot can choose relevant categories to describe their industry, products, or services. All companies in a category are eligible to be best in that category if they’re actively asking for reviews and have received 25 or more reviews in the last 12 months. Some companies on Trustpilot aren’t eligible to be best in a category, and others aren’t on Trustpilot at all.
Edinburgh City Mission
Trustfeed Score 5.0
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Ian Tait
A Fantastic service provided with care and compassion by lovely people to those who need some help and support in their lives.
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Ywam Urban Key London
London, United Kingdom
masula mbewe
Great place! Great people!
Newtownabbey Methodist Mission
Trustfeed Score 4.2
Newtownabbey, United Kingdom
VAL Hanna
A warm welcome, a friendly atmosphere with a cuppa always to the ready. Whatever you need you'll find plus an extra wee bit of a lift. You'll never le...
Birmingham City Mission Care Centre
Trustfeed Score 4.6
Mary Watters
Birmingham City Mission will nourish you physically mentally and will guide you spiritualy to the Lord if you have an open honest heart and mind. May ...
Save The High Street Ltd
Sonic Horse Shoes
The team at Save The High Street have been amazing, helping us secure our grants form the Government, providing us with a load of extra support and gu...
Watra Care
Trustfeed Score 4.3
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Waheed Afzal
Were very helpful and gave honest advice.
Famille Missionnaire De Notre-Dame - Presbytère St Martin
Trustfeed Score 4.1
Biarritz, France
Breizh Ibis
Pte église tte blanche, tte simple, messe au moment de ma visite, le portail du parking fermé à 19h.
Famille Missionnaire De Notre-Dame
Trustfeed Score 4.8
Cannes, France
Située cannes la Famille Missionnaire de notre DAME des Neiges est une communauté religieuse mixte dont le charisme est le COEUR à Cœur avec Jésus . ...
Family Center - Tenderness Home - Perugia - Italy
Perugia, Italy
geppe 110
Per gli incontri e le attività sociali e spirituali che propone
Casa Famiglia Di Nazareth - Loreto In Ancona - Italy
Trustfeed Score 4.4
Loreto, Italy
Giuliana Centinari
Luogo ameno si può pregare in assoluto silenzio!!!
Makron Gmbh
Neutraubling, Germany
Bianca Freisinger
Kann nur positives berichten. Freundliches Gespräch mit kompetenter Geschäftsführung .
Нещеровский Спасо-Преображенский Монастырь
ВАЗ Забила
Благодатное место. Но не зимой, дорог нет, как и в Киеве.. . Кто хочет молитвенного подвига, тишины душевной вам сюда! Обязательно возьмите благослове...
Моя родная! Здесь я родился и рос. Место где человек очищается, освящается, преображается - это Церковь! Которая есть столп и утверждение истины. ......
Iglesia Católica San Miguel Arcángel
Trustfeed Score 4.0
Los Ebanos, United States
Parishes Of The Uoc Of The Temple Of Archangel Michael
Андрій Осташ
Заїхали з колегою подивитися. Але варто пам'ятати про відвідування церков. Отець Миколай Мних екзорцист - щонеділі з 13-16 години є молитви та виган...
Das Küchen Duo - Küchenmontage & Möbelmontage Service Und Mehr...!
Trustfeed Score 3.0
Oldenburg, Germany
Kloster Untermarchtal
Untermarchtal, Germany
K. Kli
Kloster Das Kloster Untermarchtal ist eine Klosteranlage in der Gemeinde Untermarchtal. Von 1573 bis 1576 wurde in Untermarchtal ein Schloss gebaut. ...
Trustfeed Score 3.8
Arnsberg, Germany
Claudia Raseke
Herzlichkeit in allen Belangen, ein Ersatz zu Hause , super Essen, gute Beschäftigungsangebote ....
Mission: Lebenshaus Gemeinnützige Gmbh
Bremen, Germany
Iago Mediano Calvo
Warehouse where they collect all kind of wearings, shoes, boxes, sleeping bags, puzzles, board games and books for children and grown-ups. Well organi...
Bahnhofsmission Leipzig
Trustfeed Score 4.5
Leipzig, Germany
Thomas Haase
Bei der Bahnhofsmission in Leipzig bekommt man immer, wenn geöffnet, einen Kaffee und kann mit anderen ein Wort it
Exclusive Beauty Studio. Hair And Beauty Salon
Kraków, Poland
Tom Guide Krakow
Perfect place for hairdressing and solar bathroom
Misje Franciszkańskie Prowincji Św. Maksymiliana
Gdynia, Poland
Janina Kierszk
Sekretariat Misyjny zasługuje na najwyzszą ocenę z uwagi na koordynację roznorodnych projektow pomocowych dla misji w Kenii i Ekwadorze. Szcześc Boże...
Domy Serca Wolontariat Misyjny
Warszawa, Poland
Ewa Towarek
Wspaniała organizacja, która przez charyzmat pocieszenia i współczucia towarzyszy ludziom cierpiącym i samotnym w kilkudziesięciu domach na całym świ...
Missionários Combonianos
Luís Mendes
Beautiful gardens and farm, a few unkind and suspicious residents.
Missionários Da Consolata - Lisboa
Trustfeed Score 4.7
Lisboa, Portugal
José Coutinho
Sempre muito boa. Não tenho recebido, últimamente da Vossa parte, comunicados das Vossas Actividades abertas ao Público.
Missionários Redentoristas (Porto)
Porto, Portugal
Armando Ramos
Agape Missions
Bartlesville, United States
Cheryl Gammon
Roy is an Amazing cook, Joyce is just so wonderful I feel God is in almost every cell of her body, Sherry is the star that made this \soup kitchen\ ha...
First Baptist Tulsa
Tulsa, United States
Celia Pine
This church makes me feel like family
Trustfeed Score 3.4
Leeds, United Kingdom
This place no longer exists. It is now a mosque and they are not open on a Tuesday morning as far as I am aware.
The Kaleidoscope Plus Group
West Bromwich, United Kingdom
Andrew Bagnall
Don’t bother with this service. Nothing but photo copied hand outs On each visit , waste of time. They don’t support you. Awful service. Going back to...
Southwick Christian Community Church
Brighton, United Kingdom
Fiona Maple
Friendly and welcoming atmosphere. Supportive in times of troubles. Easy to find answers to a lot of those questions.
Mourne Presbyterian Church
Newry, United Kingdom
jack Murray
Very welcoming church congregation it also does a very good children's church on children's epilogue great for the whole family
Glo Europe Mission
Motherwell, United Kingdom
C M S Ireland
Belfast, United Kingdom
Brian Mc Donnell
Great customer service!!! Courier damaged goods in transit and CMS moved extremely quickly to amend this.
Colchester, United Kingdom
Sumi Alex
Beautiful experience to enjoy the freedom in worshiping Lord Jesus Christ
U.K. Islamic Mission
Raitis Darzins
Nice helping people
Oscar Christian Mission Work
Gloucester, United Kingdom
William Bradridge
Can't rate OSCAR highly enough. Fantastic networking opportunities and great, supportive service for Christian mission opportunities.
Christ Apostolic Church (Cac) East Of Luton
Luton, United Kingdom
Ebenezer Mogaji
Christ Apostolic Church -East of Luton is a church with a difference where the undiluted word of God is preached. If you are tired of \church as usual...
Mission Africa
Paul Bailie
Evangelical mission agency working in Nigeria, Kenya, Chad and Burkina Faso. Mostly does evangelism, education, medical and compassionate work. Very f...
Daughters Of Charity Community Services
Trustfeed Score 4.9
oddf 182
To say that people who work here are doing their society a service is an understatement. The people who work here are part of the engine of the societ...
Souls Harbor Joplin- Shelter
Trustfeed Score 3.5
Joplin, United States
Carmen Denison
Best shelter very caring people really good food
Albanian Evangelical Mission
Sainte-Maxime, France
Mission Locale D'audruicq
Audruicq, France
Arradon, France
Emmanuel Lébeaupin
Un havre de paix
Mission Fpc - France Pour Christ
Drulingen, France
séverine gondran
Un havre de paix Un acceuil chaleureux Bravo
Sélestat, France
Jean-Pierre Meier
Continuer à donner la communion dans la bouche dans le contexte épidémique (juin 2020) reflète parfaitement l’esprit de cette communauté où l’attache...
Eglise Evangelique De Pezenas
Pézenas, France
hugo anson
This Light of Jesus' Kingdom in Pezenas Honours The One True God who proves Jn.18v37.. At this church which I have atttended with my french wife, when...
Mission Locale Du Cambresis
Trustfeed Score 3.7
Caudry, France
Je recommande ! Mon conseiller est super
Allemagne Diplomatie - Service Des Relations Publiques Et Médias (Ambassade D'allemagne)
Paris, France
Grégory Jourdain-Sivet
Personnel très accueillant et fort sympathique. Une visite qui vaut la peine d'être faite !
La Paroisse Du Bon Pasteur
Gigean, France
Bergerac, France
Cyrano de Bergerac
Notre garçon a beaucoup apprécié
Mission Locale De Colombes
Colombes, France
Mission Locale Rurale Des Marches De Bourgogne - Site De Montbard
Montbard, France
Eva Sanchez
Des gens très sympathiques qui se démènent pour vous trouver une solution
Fa7 Junior Études
Toulouse, France
Ad Saga
Equipe dynamique et toujours à l'écoute
Consulate General Of India And Permanent Mission Of India
Genève, Switzerland
Linda Jane O'Brien
I had to contact the Consulate General of India in Geneva from Goa. I had my handbag stolen with all my Id papers. They were incredibly fast, efficien...
Objectif Mission Portage
La Roche-sur-Yon, France
Mission Locale Intercommunale
Aubervilliers, France
Foreign Missions - Capuchin Franciscan Friar Minors - Recanati In Macerata - Italy
Recanati, Italy
Mauro De Ambrosis
Convento dei Frati Cappuccini. Possibilità di soggiorno. Servizio di ristorazione. Ottima cucina
Think Pc Progetti Srl
Rovellasca, Italy
angelo clerici
Un team altamente professionale che risolve a misura qualsiasi richiesta.
Chiesa Di Gesù Cristo Dei Santi Ultimi Giorni
Opera, Italy
Alex Colognese
Istituto Suore Domenicane
Carbonia, Italy
Maurizio Marreddu
Cordialità,professionalità e amore per i bimbi
Fr Srl
Reggio Emilia, Italy
Padre Daniele Da Samarate
Milano, Italy
Sant Nirankari Mandal Italia
Castelbelforte, Italy
Bobby Sharda
I like it
Laboratorio Sociale - Primiero
Mezzano, Italy
paolo bettega
Io ci lavoro quindi questo è un invito al visitarci e acquistare i nostri prodotti artigianali interamente prodotti da persone diversamente abili.......
Missionari Comboniani
Verona, Italy
Raul Baluma Tabaranza
The garden of our Mother House in Verona. You just have to enjoy the beauty of nature!
Unitalsi Sezione Marchigiana
Giovanni Mario Tirante
Accoglienza ottima, professionalità, competenza e simpatia. Un luogo dove andare, lo consiglio.
Rummelsberger Diakonie
Mainleus, Germany
Kinderheim Nethanja Narsapur
Flein, Germany
Evangelische Stadtmission Und Gemeindedienst Erfurt Ggmbh
Erfurt, Germany
Karlo Itze
Auf Sitzung hier gewesen. Schönes Gebäude. Eine Sanierung würde den Ort noch attraktiver machen, vielleicht ergibt sich das ja mal.
Berlin Heart Gmbh
Berlin, Germany
Ibo Egal
Dieses Unternehmen ignoriert scheinbar grundsätzlich jegliche Bewerbung. Eine Absage ist kein Weltuntergang. Damit kann ich leben. Beworben habe ich ...
Stadtmission Chemnitz E.V.
Burgstädt, Germany
Tino Quellmalz
Es ist gut das es so etwas gibt.
Zgromadzenie Misjonarzy Klaretynów
Wołów, Poland
Dariusz Rumiński
calm and peaceful
Trustfeed Score 2.9
Madrid, Spain
Vydavnytstvo Apostol
Тетяна Андруняк
Широкий вибір духовноі літератури, книги та книжечки оформлені яскраво та зі смаком, зміст завжди глибокий, всі книги надруковані чистою та гарною ук...
Wings For Christ
Waco, United States
Orphan's Promise Ukraine
Emmanuel Baptist Rescue Mission.
Los Angeles, United States
Antoinette Renee Falice
Gravy Joe's does Gravy Joe's period. They exemplify service leadership
Mission Foods
Tempe, United States
Robert Masters
I found some plastic cooked in the tortilla tryed to Tell them and they will not answer the phone
Tri-City Baptist Church Ministries
Chandler, United States
Monica Stinson
My entire family has been incredibly blessed by this church. We have children aged 11 to 7 months and every area, every age we are challenged.
Tensley Consulting, Inc.
Annapolis Junction, United States
Thomas Noble
Great place to work!
Pryor Rescue Mission Center
Pryor, United States
Charlotte Jeffery
There is alot of good people that work there.
Trinity Christian Center
Beeville, United States
William Bush
My family and I love this church! Great services, praise and worship music with a live band on stage, Spirit filled messages, and friendly members!
Seafarer Support
Southampton, United Kingdom
Mill Hill Missionaries
Maidenhead, United Kingdom
Logos Ministries International (Lmi)
ken nelson
This mission is dedicated to reaching people with the Bible truth. They make no apology about their aim. They serve faithfully relying on support from...
Portlaoise Order Of Malta
Ray Greene
Great services
Diocese Of Winchester
Alresford, United Kingdom
Church Army
Gary Mellor
The Wilson Carlisle Centre is actually two parts of the same organisation. The biggest part is the religious learning and resources centre including w...
Slovak Catholic Mission In London
Ashim Jafarkhan
An important cultural centre for the Slovak people in London. Impressive musical talent for mass.
Bethesda Mission Men's Shelter
Harrisburg, United States
Gary Warman
I have stayed at Bethesda Mission for about 6 months now and it absolutely provides a wonderful service for those in need. You get food, a bed, clothe...
Ywam Cymru/Wales
Wrexham, United Kingdom
City Faith Ministries Trust - Charity
The Hills Premier Realty
Trustfeed Score 2.3
Beverly Hills, United States
Todd Merrill
If you're a first time home buyer or have had bad experiences in the past - you owe it to yourself to seek out Jennifer \Jeni\ Brill with The Hills Pr...
Chosen People Ministries
Springfield Rescue Mission
Springfield, United States
Jesenia Moctezuma
Love this program very helpful to all the people with there needs this program help our church a lot we pray for this program we appreciated all the t...
Warner Memorial Presbyterian Church
Kensington, United States
France Alzheimer Lille Metropole
Lille, France