Companies on Trustpilot can choose relevant categories to describe their industry, products, or services. All companies in a category are eligible to be best in that category if they’re actively asking for reviews and have received 25 or more reviews in the last 12 months. Some companies on Trustpilot aren’t eligible to be best in a category, and others aren’t on Trustpilot at all.
Nhs England
Trustfeed Score 2.6
London, United Kingdom
Delta Fox
Same here - Letter mentions the huge cost of sending out letters about flu jabs - but I too had my jab 7 weeks ago. Plus the link given for 'further i...
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Nhs Norfolk And Waveney Ccg (West Locality Office)
Trustfeed Score 3.0
King's Lynn, United Kingdom
Circle Greenwich Msk Service
Trustfeed Score 4.1
Jennifer Chalice
Very knowledgable and understanding very good advice inner heel support from Boots is brilliant thank you
Willowview Community Centre
Oban, United Kingdom
Como Fitness Club S.R.L.
Trustfeed Score 4.5
Como, Italy
Anton Berezin
A nice gym to workout and it is especially good to train while you have a vacation since there is a 25 euro subscription for a week. Good equipment, f...
Управління Охорони Здоров’Я Миколаївської Міської Ради
Trustfeed Score 3.7
Екатерина Завирюха
Ситуация 1: этим летом 2020 проходила с детьми медосмотр в школу 2,5 месяца в 5 больницах. И это у нас карантин. Электронные направления немогла полу...
Departament Okhorony Zdorov'ya Ternopilʹsʹkoyi Oblasnoyi Derzhavnoyi Administratsiyi
Trustfeed Score 4.0
Олена Гудзь
Скоро подвійну маску треба буде носити
Управління Охорони Здоров’Я Горішньоплавнівської Міської Ради
Trustfeed Score 4.3
Управління Охорони Здоров’Я Облдержадміністрації
Trustfeed Score 3.6
konstantin S
В пансионате \Медик\ при управлении работает столовая. Доступ свободный. Можно недорого пообедать с 12 до 15 часов в рабочие дни. Чисто, уютно, вкусн...
Departament Okhorony Zdorov'ya Kmda
Trustfeed Score 2.7
Вальдемар Вітлінський
Чому при такій забрудненості в Києві повно автівок? Люди сидять дома и дихають викидами пожеж і авто. Що Ви думаєте з цього приводу?
Департамент Охорони Здоров‘Я Донецькоі Області
Trustfeed Score 2.5
ника борзенко
Если у Вас какие-то проблемы и Вам нужна помощь , будьте готовы к тому , что Вам нахамят и будут «издеваться» в момент сбора всех необходимых бумаг !...
Главное Управление Охраны Здоровья Киевской Ога
Trustfeed Score 1.7
Yulia Balabaeva
дозвониться не реально. Даже когда кажется . что подняли трубку, начинается проверка нервной системы, разнообразные неприятные гудки. Я думала факсом...
Khlong Lao Health Center
Na Yai Am District, Thailand
jirasak chaorai
East Laith Gate House
Doncaster, United Kingdom
Brent Ccg
Trustfeed Score 1.0
Wembley, United Kingdom
Stoke-On-Trent Clinic Commissioning Group
Stoke-on-Trent, United Kingdom
Hse - Jim Roche Building
David Hamilton
This is where you have to go to get EHIC applications processed. Closes at 16:00, which is inconvenient.
Nhs Telford And Wrekin Ccg
Telford, United Kingdom
Great team, all patient centred approach. The communities living in Telford are very lucky With the approach this team has towards CHC Assessments..
Circle Bedfordshire Msk Service
Bedford, United Kingdom
Dot Wigg
A very successful visit. I was seen within minutes of arriving and slightly before my appointment time, by an extremely friendly and efficient doctor....
Causeway Route Complex
Trustfeed Score 5.0
Ballymoney, United Kingdom
Municipal Health Center Daniel Timsit
Trustfeed Score 3.4
Gennevilliers, France
Centre Municipal De Santé Henri Barbusse
Trustfeed Score 3.2
Saint-Denis, France
Elodie Nad
Très contente de la prise en charge à la PMI Puéricultrices à l’écoute donne de bons conseils et très très bon Pédiatre prend son temps avec l’enfant...
Gesundheitsamt Oldenburg
Oldenburg, Germany
Yvonne Mushore
Super nice staff, extremely clean place, very helpful. The building is really beautiful inside and outside.
Ggd Fryslân
Trustfeed Score 2.9
Leeuwarden, Netherlands
Anna Van der Zwaag
U kunt gevaccineerd worden, dit heeft geen nadelige gevolgen voor uw MS. Ik zie dat u 1 mei weer gepland bent voor de ocrevus. Om het vaccin zo goed...
Telefon Zaufania Miejskiego Ośrodka Profilaktyki Zdrowotnej
Łódź, Poland
Ashtabula City Health
Ashtabula, United States
olllissa Severino
Very rude
Департамент Охорони Здоров’Я Полтавської Облдержадміністрації
Наталка Полтавка
Не отримала відповідь на своє питання.
Ggd Haaglanden-Vestiging Delft
Trustfeed Score 2.3
Delft, Netherlands
Réseau Santé De La Sarine
Fribourg, Switzerland
Generalsekretariat Des Kantons Bern
Bern, Switzerland
Lonely Fighter
Die immer weiter um sich greifende Maskenzwang-Hysterie und die Anprangerung von Kritikern dieser Massnahme erinnert mich persönlich fatal an die sta...
Ser.T Servizio Tossicodipendenze
Trustfeed Score 3.3
Torino, Italy
Roberto Palombo
Il reparto psichiatria non è il migliore.
Wang Noi District Public Health Office
Wang Noi District, Thailand
Spijkenisse, Netherlands
Farmacijos Departamentas Prie Sam, Farmacinės Veiklos Skyrius
Republički Fond Za Zdravstveno Osiguranje - Ispostava Savski Venac
Limun Darka
На телефон се никада нико не јавља.
Clinica Sanador Baneasa Park
Trustfeed Score 4.4
București, Romania
Very disappointed by this place. Extremely poor organisation. Not sure why they need 4 people at the reception since anyway I spent there 1h outside i...
Filial Fbuz Tsgemo V Gorodakh Lobnya, Dolgoprudnyy, Khimki, Krasnogorskom Rayone
Národné Centrum Zdravotníckych Informácií
Trustfeed Score 1.6
Bratislava, Slovakia
Samuel Adamik
Callcentrum totálna tragé je tam reálne tak asi 1 človek a tvária sa ako callcentrum.
Servicehus Käpplunda Gärde
Skövde, Sweden
Nils Jonasson
Allt finns på plats stor sortering kunnig personal!!
Gruppbostad Barkvägen
Retirement Hentorp
مركز الرعاية الصحية الأولية الفلاح|Primary Health Care Clinics Al Falah
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Hind hind
سرعة وإنجاز وتسهيل أول زيارة لي وكان وقت صلاة وجلست انتظر لأنه وقت بريك واسمع اسمي ينادون علي نازلين يبحثون عني قالت الطبيبة اسمك مسجل قبل الأذان و...
Smittevernkontoret Vaksinasjonskontor
Drammen, Norway
Jason Toms
The staff here is very professional and they know what they are talking about. Coming here to get some vaccinations before a trip to Asia was very eas...
Van Buren Cass District Health Department
Trustfeed Score 4.7
Dowagiac, United States
The dentist office their is really good
Autoritatea De Sănătate Publică Vâlcea-Sanepid
Marikina City Health Office
Marikina, Philippines
Ara Sy
We went here for office requirement and I payed around 300 over all. The facility is okay but not really great. They offer seminars for pre-marriage c...
Gruppbostad Södra Trängallén
Servicebostad Karlsgatan
Korttidshem Strömgården
Trustfeed Score 4.2
Värnamo, Sweden
Ganimete Ala
Bättre kan inte finnas
Gruppbostad Stenelidsvägen
Gruppbostad Billingstorpsvägen
Gruppbostad Mokvarn
Gruppbostad Hertig Johans Gata
Eskilstuna, Sweden
Claes Gefvenberg
Inte direkt något ställe man vill behöva besöka, men har man trassel med synen får man bra hjälp av kunnig och vänlig personal. Lite ironiskt är det ...
Tokke Kommune Omsorgsetaten
Dalen, Norway
ศูนย์บริการสาธารณสุขเทศบาลนครสุราษฎร์ธานี (ศูนย์ตาปี) (ชั่วคราว)
Mueang Surat Thani District, Thailand
Paradorn Tonthong
ย้ายชั่วคราวมาอยู่ที่นี่ รอสร้างตึกใหม่
Ginekologija Tiršova
Municipal Dog Kennel
Rehovot, Israel
Municipal Health Office @ General Trias Municipal Hall
Fatima Jinnah Dispensary No.5
Karachi City, Pakistan
Hasan Khi
KMC health program
Department Of Health (Doh) @ Antipolo City, Rizal
Medical Institute For Road Safety
TVAriel Moshe
Liars and bad people
Pangil Rural Health Unit
Laguna, Philippines
Infanta Municipal Health Office
Quezon, Philippines
Dagupan City Health Office
Dagupan, Philippines
Pozorrubio Municipal Health Office
Pangasinan, Philippines
Rural Health Unit-Ii
Malasiqui, Philippines
Rural Health Unit- I
Mangatarem Rural Health Center
Baco Municipal Health Office
Baco, Philippines
Umingan Health Center (Doh) Rural Health Unit Umingan Pangasinan
Daglig Verksamhet
Härnegatan Gruppbostad
Ljungsbro, Sweden
Nsb Bedriftshelsetjeneste
Bergen, Norway
Direcția De Sănătate Publică
Trustfeed Score 1.8
Brașov, Romania
Geczi Andrash
DSP Brasov o institutie plina de incomptetenti si care nu face mai mult decat sa risipeasca banul public! Ar fi mai bine sa va desfinteze! Contactati...
Govt's Dispensary
Delhi, India
Dehradun, India
Pejabat Kesihatan Perak Tengah
Trustfeed Score 3.5
Ipoh, Malaysia
T.C. Çalışma Ve Sosyal Güvenlik Bakanlığı Izmir Isgüm Bölge Laboratuvarı
Konak, Turkey
Asinan Proper Barangay Hall
Zambales, Philippines
Pagbilao Rural Health Unit
Bhw Sta. Catalina
Pagbilao, Philippines
Department Of Health- Mamburao
Occidental Mindoro, Philippines
Municipal Health Office
Gloria, Philippines
ادارة المرادم امانة محافظة جدة
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Al Bait Al Halabi Restaurant
تعامل مريح وجيد
Rural Health Unit
Isabela, Philippines
Brgy. Tinga Itaas Health Center
Batangas, Philippines
Rhu Angadanan
Rural Health Unit 1
Camarines Sur, Philippines
Department Of Health
Guarulhos, Brazil
zica krika
Nem uma estrela merece ,fui na UBS BAMBI e lá a enfermeira me disse q a médica q tem lá só atende covid e não fará atendimento algum( exame , consult...
Bantay Municipal Health Office
Ilocos Sur, Philippines
Pamplona Rural Health Unit
Cauayan City Health Office
Narvacan Rural Health Unit And Lying - In
Caoayan Municipal Health Office
Pinili Municipal Health Office
Ilocos Norte, Philippines
Mark Adrian Tagudin
Pag dito ka pumunta ikaw ang pipiliin talag
Secretaria Municipal De Saúde Afonso José Cardoso
Araçu, Brazil
Malay Municipal Health Office Annex
Aklan, Philippines
Apang Kalyan Kendra (Ambernath)
Ambernath, India
ajit wakode
The Ambernath municipal council's welfare section for the physically challenged individuals. It's located in the premises of the council...