Companies on Trustpilot can choose relevant categories to describe their industry, products, or services. All companies in a category are eligible to be best in that category if they’re actively asking for reviews and have received 25 or more reviews in the last 12 months. Some companies on Trustpilot aren’t eligible to be best in a category, and others aren’t on Trustpilot at all.
Church Of God Of Prophecy
Trustfeed Score 5.0
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Mo Wilson
I attended a funeral recently & the sermon definitely gave me food for thought & was also a beautiful service. .The atmosphere was pleasant and the co...
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Larne Congregational Church
Trustfeed Score 3.0
Larne, United Kingdom
Word Of Spirit And Life Baptist Church
Wolverhampton, United Kingdom
Methodist Church
Trustfeed Score 4.0
Downham Market, United Kingdom
Paul Smith
Went to pulmonary rehab at this place
The Diocese Of Birmingham
The Beacon Elim Pentecostal Church Blackburn
Trustfeed Score 4.3
Blackburn, United Kingdom
Precious Agbana
I joined this church not quite long ,but I must confess my experience there has been so great that I could not imagine my family missing the powerful ...
Westminster Abbey
Trustfeed Score 4.6
London, United Kingdom
James D
I'm not super interested in history but Westminster Abbey kept me amused for a good 2-3 hours. The displays are very well presented and the audio tour...
Salem Baptist Chapel Peterborough
Peterborough, United Kingdom
Good place to worship
Agape International Christian Centre
Trustfeed Score 4.9
Bradford, United Kingdom
ghasimr g
As place for worship of God it very nice place. The facility are good and the people here are welcoming. The parking is not bad but the area around it...
Hampshire Buddhist Society
United Kingdom
Mike Laycock
Regular meditation and dhamma meetings catering to Zen and Theravada schools of Buddhism, in a comfortable, friendly and spiritually supportive atmosp...
Makki Masjid
Halifax, United Kingdom
mustafah kazi
Nice masjid, clean, good wudu area. First Jummah khutbah generally in English.
Harvest Ministries
Banff, United Kingdom
Church House
Jama I Masjid Bilal
Dundee, United Kingdom
Edinburgh Central Mosque
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Abdul Rahim Ab Ghani
Big mosque, very organised and many activities available
Oxford Community Church
Trustfeed Score 4.4
Oxford, United Kingdom
Sanjay Mahtani
I joined OCC on arriving in Oxford as a student, and it’s been my spiritual home for 10 years and counting. I was drawn to the faithful Bible teaching...
St Columba's Church
Omagh, United Kingdom
Jo Don
Built in the 1870s, St Columbia's church has the second highest spire of the four churches at the top of the town. The three spires above the town wou...
Elim Pentecostal Church
Caerphilly, United Kingdom
The Life Centre
Southampton, United Kingdom
Catholic Church
Bradford-on-Avon, United Kingdom
St Helen's Church Low Fell Gateshead (Anglican)
Trustfeed Score 4.7
Gateshead, United Kingdom
foz foster
Has what you need and with two rooms available to hire. Facilities available in both rooms. Large carpark near by.
United Reformed Church Rothwell
Kettering, United Kingdom
The Baptist Church
Dumfries, United Kingdom
Institut Socioculturel Des Musulmans
Paris, France
Usama Kahlid
A big space for namaz ul Jumma.....
Famille Missionnaire De Notre-Dame - Presbytère St Martin
Trustfeed Score 4.1
Biarritz, France
Breizh Ibis
Pte église tte blanche, tte simple, messe au moment de ma visite, le portail du parking fermé à 19h.
Maison Diocésaine St François De Sales
Trustfeed Score 4.8
Amiens, France
Catherine Schmit
Accueil chaleureux, repas impeccable et locaux très propres Idéal pour se ressourcer !
St Martin's Church
Colmar, France
Prashant Tiwari
Great place. Great architecture and great ambiance inside.
Diocese Of Luçon
Trustfeed Score 4.2
Luçon, France
Paul Pérucaud
Ensemble cathédral remarquable classé par les M.H. pour sa plus grande partie. Aller au carmel et à la chapelle attenante est un beau complément de v...
Centre Kalachakra
Jeremy _
Les méditations (gratuites ou payantes) m'ont aidé dans des moments de vie où j'avais besoin de me focaliser, me découvrir intérieurement, comprendre...
Presbytère De Saint Vincent De Xaintvoire Videoes
Dax, France
Patrick Dubouey
American Cathedral In Paris
maurice sanciaume
Wonderful place to celebrate the beauty of life in this uncertain time
Saint Martin Community
Évron, France
broly du64
Accueil hyper chaleureux hôtellerie nickel repas délicieux.
Assemblee Evangelique Angelus3
Trustfeed Score 4.5
Maizières-la-Grande-Paroisse, France
Parfait Lavri
Agréable rempli d'amour
Institut Oussoul Eddine
Saint-Denis, France
Sabrina Kilic
Il s'agit plus qu'une simple école mais d'une famille dans laquelle nous nous sentons bien et dans laquelle nous avons hâte d'y revenir chaque semain...
Paroisse St Pierre Charles Faisanderie
Trustfeed Score 3.9
Villeneuve-le-Roi, France
Ana maria Ribeiro
C'est une honte, aujourd'hui 29 octobre toutes les églises sont entrain de sonner le glas en France à 15h, mais votre église ne doit pas se sentir co...
Roman Catholic Diocese Of Nevers
Nevers, France
Jaq Remuson
très certainement un endroit où ne pas se rendre serait un manque dans votre vie..
Paroisse Notre-Dame Et Saint-Jacques
Reims, France
Mike Marra
Magnificent Cathedral setting - best in the entire world!
Al-Ghazali Institute
Jean Ricodeau
8-06-2020 Bonjour Institut Ce mail pour vous dire que j’ai trouvé vraiment excellent le Cours-de-Fiqh-Malikite daté de 2007, mais j’a...
Famille Missionnaire De Notre-Dame
Cannes, France
Située cannes la Famille Missionnaire de notre DAME des Neiges est une communauté religieuse mixte dont le charisme est le COEUR à Cœur avec Jésus . ...
Diocèse D'angers
Trustfeed Score 3.7
Angers, France
Bernard Antoine
L'indignation est le meilleur mot qu'il soit pour caractériser ce que j'ai vu à la direction du diocèse d'Angers.
Association Diocésaine De Limoges
Limoges, France
Communaute Dominicaines Monastère St Dominique
Catherine Roy
Cette communauté de dominicaines occupe un très beau cadre composé d'une maison et d'un grand jardin. Si on veut entrer dans cet endroit on est reçu ...
La Joie Saint Benoît
Bayeux, France
Cheryl Ball
I called in today to enquire as to whether this was where i stayed back in 1974 on a school trip from Western Junior School, Grimsby, England. My husb...
Paroisse Saint Lazare En Autunois
Autun, France
Rémi Ménard
Je passe régulièrement devant la paroisse . Achat de cartes de messe. Actuellement hospitalisé je rencontre souvent Caroline, aumônier de l'hôpital. ...
Eglise Evangelique Vie Et Lumerie
Montluçon, France
Jason Schartier
Bonjour j'aurais aimé savoir s'il était possible d'avoir le numéro d'un responsable de église de Montluçon afin de pouvoir parler avec lui merci
Cure De Sainte Anne
Roanne, France
La Maison Paroissiale
Eglise Saint François
Millau, France
Une jolie eglise a visiter lors de votre passage à Millau :)
Eglise Evangelique
Pont-Saint-Pierre, France
Cancello - Maria Ss. Delle Grazie
Cancello ed Arnone, Italy
Collegio Dei Padri Oblati
Rho, Italy
Modesto Bravaccino
Un luogo si spiritualità dove fare gli esercizi spirituali... so che organizzano tante cose anche per famiglie, laico e parrocchie... ho le foto di q...
Sacra Di San Michele
Sant'Ambrogio di Torino, Italy
tomo n
It is a very famous building as a symbol of Piemonte. Inside of building is amazing. Can't imagine how to build it! The view also very nice! There's p...
Istituto Nostra Signora
Pescara, Italy
Stefano Pollastri
Istituto storico dove la tradizione e le tecnologie convivono in armonia al fine di creare il giusto equilibrio tra il sapere tecnico scientifico, cu...
Scuola Paritaria Dell'infanzia - \Istituto Canossiano\
Milano, Italy
Federico G.
Una realtà in continua evoluzione dove la cura dei bambini è al centro delle scelte didattiche e di ogni esperienza proposta. Le maestre sono affettu...
Roman Catholic Diocese Of Padua
Padova, Italy
Baisil Dennies
Collegio Vescovile Barbarigo
Daniele Bordin
Sono stato in una aula del chiostro al pianterreno, in ore serali per seguite il corso di Meditazione, che il gentilissimo e comprensivo Rettore ci h...
Mary Help Of Christians Institute Of The Salesians Of Don Bosco
Trustfeed Score 3.1
Genova, Italy
Luke Morris
In questa scuola ho trascorso tre anni di asilo, cinque di elementari e tre di medie. Mi duole dirlo ma l’istituto negli ultimi anni si è dimostrato ...
Roman Catholic Archdiocese Of Capua
Capua, Italy
Nazareno Delle Femine
Mi chiamo Nazareno ed ho avuto il piacere di conoscere Mons. Visco, arcivescovo della diocesi di Capua. In un pomeriggio, mentre passeggiavo con i mi...
Istituto Interdiocesano Sostentamento Del Clero
Salerno, Italy
Suore Di San Giuseppe B. Cottolengo
Ghilarza, Italy
Suore Della Resurrezione
Grottaferrata, Italy
Istituto Secolare Ancelle Mater Misericordia
Loreto, Italy
Noi Tolentino - Oratorio Don Bosco
Tolentino, Italy
Cristiano Profeta
Bellissimo oratorio, ricco di attività.
Istituto San Gabriele
Vasto, Italy
Casa Secolare Delle Suore Dimesse
Verona, Italy
Fabio Pizzini
Hanno seguito le mie splendide bambine e sono in debito per aver svolto un lavoro splendido e con amore.
Istituto Suore Orsoline
Suore Domenicane
Bologna, Italy
Lisa Dallari
Comunità unità. Ascolto e soluzione
Casa Madre Istituto Figlie Carità Canossiane
Chiara Consiglio
Perfetto per chi vuole soggiornare in tranquillità vicino al centro e a poco prezzo. Ogni stanza ha un bagno proprio e sono tutte ben curate e pulite...
Suore Clarisse Francescane Del Santissimo Sacramento
Maria De Benedictis
Nella struttura ben curata e nei giardini all’interno troverete la squisita accoglienza delle sorelle francescane. Ben disposte al dialogo e sempre p...
Istituto Diocesano Per Il Sostentamento Del Clero
Piedimonte Matese, Italy
Istituto Suore Francescane Dell'immacolata Concezione
Rugiada Sertorio
Ora non accettano nemmeno più ospiti di passaggio per una o due notti.
Santuario Del Sacro Cuore Di Gesù
Afragola, Italy
Daniele Cicali
Il santuario dei Sacro Cuore di Gesù è ubicato nel centro storico della di Afragola. Attiguo alla Chiesa fu costruito il convento dei Missionari dei ...
Pio Istituto Di Ricovero =S. Giuseppe=
Orani, Italy
Isorella, Italy
Genny Compa
Un ottimo punto di ritrovo x i nostri bambini
Casa Di Betania
Cuneo, Italy
Scuole Rogazioniste Media, Liceo Scientifico Sportivo, Liceo Delle Scienze Umane Economico Sociale
Desenzano del Garda, Italy
Jan Rajdl
Lovely place, excellent food, kind people. Definitely worth to visit. :-)
Katholisches Militärpfarramt Augustdorf
Augustdorf, Germany
Werdohl Fatih Camii
Werdohl, Germany
Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Ettenheim
Ettenheim, Germany
Pfarrbüro St. Pius Ringheim
Großostheim, Germany
Villingen-Schwenningen, Germany
Pfarrbüro Mariä Himmelfahrt
Islamisches Gemeindezentrum Essen E.V.
Essen, Germany
el presidente
Mashaallah eine sehr schöne Moschee! Mit Aufzug für einen barrierefreien Zugang. Von außen unscheinbar, von innen wunderschön!
Catholic Church Of The Sacred Heart
Neuruppin, Germany
Bruni S.
Die Innenausstattung ist für eine katholische Kirche sehr schlicht. Zu besichtigen ist sie durch ein Fenster von der Tür.
Evang. Verwaltungs- Und Serviceamt Lörrach
Lörrach, Germany
Храм Почаевской Иконы Божией Матери
Православная церковь Московского патриархата. Батюшка-отличный мужик, умный, увлеченный, влюблен в свою работу и заметно, что верит в то, о чем говор...
Божий Задум - God's Design
Нестор Федюра
Цікаві люди, спокійне й затишне місце , проповіді датють можливість задуматися.
Kolomyysʹka Yeparkhiya Uhkts
Василь Черленюк
Приміщення гарне, тільки для кого і чого воно...
Купель Иоанна Сочавского
Быть здоровым модно
Святой источник, купель, церковная лавка!!! Рекомендую
Харьковское Епархиальное Управление Упц
Аркадий Калинюк
Расторжение церковного брака Вторник пятница с 10:00 до 14:00 при себе иметь копию паспорта и свидетельство о браке плюс 200 гривен
Prymyrenye S Bohom, Tserkovʹ Ekhb
Кузовной ремонт
Место Божьей Славы.
Youth Christian Portal \Dyvensvit\
Vasyl Pyshkovych
ДивенСвіт подарував мені чудовий досвід волонтерства
Mykolayevo-Uspensʹkyy Sobor
Semen Kuvitsa
Один із декількох великих Соборів Коломиї. Вітаю з переходом до Православної церкви України!
Relihiyna Hromada Parafiya Vvedennya V Khram Presvyatoyi Bohorodytsi M.Ternopilʹ Ternopilʹsʹko-Buchatsʹkoyi Yeparkhiyi Ukrayinsʹkoyi Pravoslavnoyi Tserkvy Kyyivsʹkoho Patriarkhatu
Trustfeed Score 2.0
Нещеровский Спасо-Преображенский Монастырь
ВАЗ Забила
Благодатное место. Но не зимой, дорог нет, как и в Киеве.. . Кто хочет молитвенного подвига, тишины душевной вам сюда! Обязательно возьмите благослове...
Parafia Rzymskokatolicka Zmartwychwstania Pańskiego
Mircze, Poland
Parafia Rzymskokatolicka Objawienia Pańskiego
Łukawiec, Poland
Roman Catholic Parish Of St. Mary Magdalene
Biłgoraj, Poland
Outstanding parish with dedicated servants od the Lord. Every day masses available at 7 am and 18pm. At every mass confession is available. Always rec...
St. Archangel Monastery
Artem Kravchenko
Великий потенціал для реконструкції
Mănăstirea Sihăstria Rarăului
Florin Floriol
A very nice Monastery situated in the heart of the forest. Is a very nice scenery there. If you want a peaceful place to stay, to reconsider about lif...