Companies on Trustpilot can choose relevant categories to describe their industry, products, or services. All companies in a category are eligible to be best in that category if they’re actively asking for reviews and have received 25 or more reviews in the last 12 months. Some companies on Trustpilot aren’t eligible to be best in a category, and others aren’t on Trustpilot at all.
Edward Wilson Statue
Trustfeed Score 4.5
Cheltenham, United Kingdom
Kevin Crane
Straight forward statue of Edward Wilson, the explorer who accompanied Scott.
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Emperor Nerva Statue
Trustfeed Score 3.0
Winchester, United Kingdom
Emperor Nerva Statue Glevum became a colony for the settlement of veterans at the end of the 1st century. The date of foundation of the colonia at Gle...
Source For The Goose
Trustfeed Score 4.9
South Molton, United Kingdom
Iain Wilkinson
Really good shop! Lots of interesting homeware products from paint to rugs and tables etc. All curated by a lovely owner who was chatty and welcoming....
Garden Ornament Centre Essex, Period Stone
Trustfeed Score 4.8
Rochford, United Kingdom
Paul Counsell
Great place, fantastic stock. Must have something for everyone.
Memorial Statue
Trustfeed Score 5.0
Nice Memorial to King Edward VI, situated at the top end of Montpellier in Cheltenham.
Exclusive Garden Features
Hartlepool, United Kingdom
Home And Garden Uk Ltd
Trustfeed Score 4.4
Bury Saint Edmunds, United Kingdom
Darren Mears
great company to deal with. especially their lovely Rep.
Statues Assises
Chartres, France
La Colonne Médicis
Trustfeed Score 4.0
Paris, France
joyce ycasas
At first glance, an oddly solitary Doric column standing beside circular building of the former commodity exchange, the Bourse de Commerce (which Jeff...
Goti Terrecotte
Calenzano, Italy
Seetoh km
They manufacture and sell a wide variety of terracotta products. We met a wonderful staff called Sara who happens to be the owner's daughter. We were ...
Mazzieri Due Dal 1958 (Modena)
Modena, Italy
Dino Felici Di Mirko Felici Scultore
Carrara, Italy
Campane Marinelli
Trustfeed Score 4.7
Agnone, Italy
Antonio D'Angelo
A very nice and amazing place. I advice everybody to visit at least once Agnone and meet the amazing local people
Goss Caminetti E Stufe
Trustfeed Score 4.1
Cumiana, Italy
Manuel Ing. Portigliatti
Molti prodotti esposti. Cortesia e professionalità sono l arma vincente del titolare.
Sias Arte
Marino, Italy
Monfroni Studio D'arte E Scultura Marmo A Carrara
Markus Meyer
Dieses Atelier solltet ihr auf jeden Fall besuchen
Italpark S.R.L
Borgo San Giacomo, Italy
Matteo B.
Questa ditta della provincia di Brescia, a Verolanuova, è attiva da alcuni decenni, vende dei bei prodotti in cemento per parchi, giardini ed esterni...
Rodolfo D'acquaviva D'aragona
Atri, Italy
Blumen Kiesel S´Blumehäfele
Ettenheim, Germany
Kevin Görtz
Super freundliches Personal und auch des Essen immer sehr lecker und frisch! Auch wenn das Personal teilweise noch etwas unerfahren ist, ist es immer...
Gartenfeuer.Ch Gmbh
Schwarzhäusern, Switzerland
pierre kaup
sehr schöne Sachen.Kompetente Beratung
H. Packmor Gmbh - Bronzeskulpturen Und Dekoration
Trustfeed Score 4.2
Gronau (Westfalen), Germany
Hilco Platje
Da lohnt sich mal ein Bezug klasse Bronzen und. Lindenberg Statuen in verschiedenen Größen.
Скульптурна Майстерня
Tessa.Graw Sp. Z O.O. Wyroby Z Granitu.
Chełm, Poland
Bad Wildungen, Germany
Martina Schwalm-Pfüller
Ein Wahrzeichen Bad Wildungens.. wo alt und jung daran Freude haben .im Sommer besonders
Ulrich Garten
Trustfeed Score 4.6
Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany
I travel from Sweden to here to shop. Do I need to say more?
Gala Bau Maurer
Göppingen, Germany
Laura Fried
Super netter Kontakt. Ware ist super. Ich bin total zufrieden kaufe gerne wieder etwas bei euch.
Figur \Der Hirte\
Trustfeed Score 4.3
Hungen, Germany
Piotr Bogdaszewski Pracownia Rzeźby
Stolarnia U Górala
Jeszkotle, Poland
Mengibar S A
Jaén, Spain
Manel Cobo Ruiz
Buenas noches señora presidenta de Adif España y Cataluña estaria bien que la estación de Menjibar Artichuela se hicieran en los dos sentidos es muy ...
Cumen S.L. - Morteros De Cal Y Estucos Auténticos
Lolo Benitez Lopez
Espartos Y Sisal \García Vilchez\
Cabra del Santo Cristo, Spain
Plaza Del Mío Cid
Burgos, Spain
Laín Macías
Centro neurálgico de la capital burgalesa. Hasta hace poco era el lugar de llegada y salida de una gran cantidad de autobuses urbanos. Desde hace uno...
Estátua Do Duque Da Terceira
Farouq S. Aldilaijan
Nice square full of mobile traffic.
Conde Agrolongo
Monumento Ao Bombeiro
Escola de condução e trânsito para crianças
Assador De Castanhas
Ubirai Cruz
Magnífica construção do que representa o aparelho para assar as castanhas que é praticamente o símbolo de trás dos montes... Salvo engano me disseram...
Monument Dom Manuel I
Alcochete, Portugal
Дункан Маклауд
Pak Kret District, Thailand
Jam'n Designs
Forest Park, United States
Cassia Encinias
I went to buy some succulents for a friend for Christmas, and I had a good experience. I was greeted by two friendly employees and I found exactly wha...
4 Seasons Pottery
Woodstock, United States
Stacey Kahn-Denison
Amazing selection of fountains and statuary in the pottery yard. The inside store features a wide array of novel decor and antique items. A fun place ...
Swansons Nursery
Seattle, United States
Robbie Boyd
Love Swanson's. They have a good early spring sale every year in Feb/March. Lots of planters. Nice selection of bare root berry and fruit trees. Real...
Estátua De João Vaz (Pintor)
Miguel Noronha
Pintor setubalsene (1859-1931) é autor de algumas pinturas que ainda se podem ver nos Passos Perdidos da Assembleia da República, no Teatro Garcia de...
Central Florist & Nursery
Stoughton, United States
Maritza Weeks
This was the second time I’ve ordered a funeral arrangement from Central Florist for a family member’s passing. They are very helpful and accommodatin...
Pheebert’S Garden Statuary
Hove, United Kingdom
Arthur Murden
lots of lovely things for the garden a good place to visit . but I don't know who put the photos of the fish cafe and outside sitting area the person ...
The Last Haul
Barmouth, United Kingdom
Les Enfants Du Monde De R Khimoune
Bel endroit inspirant et reposant en attendant les bus (flexibus, ouibus etc...) en-dessous.
L’Épi D’Or
Saint-Cyr-l'École, France
Frédéric R
Belle déco !
Les Meneuses D'art
Tomblaine, France
Blumen Eric
Basel, Switzerland
Cornelia Ozarciuc
I ordered a big composition of orchids remotely and Eric was very responsive through email. He showed me real life examples of compositions he can mak...
Vimoutiers, France
World Garden Dei F.Lli Ametrano
Boscoreale, Italy
Antonio Tammaro
Proprietà preparata e disponibile. Specialisti del fuoco e di tutto il mondo che lo riguarda. Assortimento da paura. Da visitare.
Le Pietre S.R.L.
Pietrasanta, Italy
abry 6565
Una magnifica realta nel.campo della lavorazione del marmo
Fabbrica Statue Sacre Di Bisceglia Francesco
San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy
Mai Nguyen
Very nice
Gargano Ricordi Arte Sacra
Ines Loiero
Negozio di articoli religiosi fornitissimo...lo consiglio vivamente.
Fanuli Manufatti In Cemento
Aradeo, Italy
Ilaria Perrone
Eccellenti professionisti. Molto attenti e scrupolosi nel trasporto. Eccellente rapporto qualità prezzo. Bellissimi articoli da esterni, ma adatti an...
La Stele
Milano, Italy
Mario Triberti
Un negozio piccolo, mica facile da individuare, lungo Viale Certosa. Scoperto quest'anno, anche se abito in zona ed il negozio ha una lunga storia. S...
Bergland Holzschnitzereien - Sculture In Legno - Woodcarvings
Ortisei, Italy
Mario Leonardi
Santa Severa, Italy
Luigi Palumbo
creazioni su richiesta materiali in cemento
Soluzioni Tecnologiche Zucca Nicola
Sestu, Italy
Giovanni Cadau
Molto e️ico
Ferdinando Perathoner - Scultura In Legno - Ars Sacra
Roversi Rainero Manufatti In Cemento E Stucchi In Gesso
Piero Barberis
Gentile signora.professionale.
Bessi Stonelite Srl
Volterra, Italy
L'arte Del Giardino Di Masini Simone & C. Snc
Trustfeed Score 3.9
Firenze, Italy
Christian Manzini
Bravi e affidabili!!!
Grilli E Ceccarelli Marmi
Gubbio, Italy
Metelliana Bronzi Articoli Cimiteriali
Cava de' Tirreni, Italy
Fonderia Artistica Ruocco
Napoli, Italy
Giorgio Ottolini
Sono dei veri artisti e quello che realizzano è al top
Denkmal Kaspar Winzerer Iii
Bad Tölz, Germany
Claude De Wit
Statue à la mimique un peu étrange, au bout du Markt à Bad Tölz. Le parcours de l ensemble du Markt avec ses maisons très décorées me paraît plus int...
Ausserbrunner Gmbh
Dornbirn, Austria
Burhan Yilmaz
Wir haben eine Wohnung gekauft mit 100qm Balkon! Auf diesem Balkon befinden sich Platten die falsch montiert worden sind ..... in der Letzten Reihe (...
Beeldhouwen Nijmegen
Nijmegen, Netherlands
Wim van Broekhoven
Goede begeleiding en fijne werkplek.
Der Tanz
Göttingen, Germany
Melvin Cubian
Must see landmark
Terra Et Ars Galerie - Geschäft Für Buddhafiguren
Ortenburg, Germany
Waltraud Samereier
Kann nur positives berichten absolut sorgfältig und zuverlässig
Ernst Thälmann Büste
Halle (Saale), Germany
Leo F.
Gepflegt und nicht beschmiert
Kollar Garten U. Landschaftsgestaltung
Salzburg, Austria
sophia burtscher
Es gibt niemanden der gründlicher, schneller und besser ist. Innerhalb eines Tages alles erledigt. Wir können es immer noch nicht fassen...DANKE
Klaus Dellefant
Olching, Germany
Gábor Ripsz
Minden van, a legkisebbtól a legbagyobbig, pl. Lószobor eredeti méretben, lovassal! Lenyűgöző, részletgazdag. Ha szoolborra vágysz ezt a helyet meg k...
Blumenhaus Mäglin
Claudius Kelterborn
Verkauft alte, gammelige Ware. Nicht empfehlenswert. Sonnenblumen machen nach 18 Stunden bereits schlapp!
Galerie Tom Lucassen
Ommen, Netherlands
Janneke Vasse
An quarterly changing exhibition of very diverse affordable art. Always worth a visit for a browse or buy.
Obelisk Des Künstlers Olu Oguibe (Documenta 14)
Kassel, Germany
C.A. Simone
Stumbled upon this, and though I was just visiting the city, it made me feel welcome. \u003c3
Nagrobki Krzysztof Niedziałek
Warszawa, Poland
Daniel Topczewski
Wszystko w najwyższej jakości, kulturze, terminie i konkurencyjnej cenie. Polecam i dziękuję w imieniu starszej osoby za okazaną w tych trudnych chwi...
Częstochowa, Poland
Stará Ľubovňa, Slovakia
Soldier Rabbit Statue
Gniezno, Poland
Rabbit soldier is not the only one. Collect rabbits over the town is local challenge...
Koszalin, Poland
Ap Art Autorska Pracownia Artystyczna Łukasz Wiking Podlewski
Łukasz Podlewski
zapraszam tutaj zainteresowanych rzeźbą do wnętrz, statuetkami, medalami, odlewami z żywic, odlewami z ciała modela itp.
Pracownia Rzeźbiarska - Stanisław Błaszczyk
Jodłowa, Poland
Roman Grębski
Polecam wizytę i rozmowę z panem Stanisławem. Można obejrzeć ciekawe realizacje różnych prac rzeźbiarskich.
Zakład Usługowy Vetro Jerzy Bałanda
Trustfeed Score 3.8
Munina, Poland
Barbara Bałanda
Jm. Larwa | Firma Kamieniarska
Biłgoraj, Poland
Stevan Adamović
Bardzo dobra robota. Jakość i wykonanie godne pochwały. Nagrobek został wykonany na cmentarzu komunalnym w Biłgoraju - pierwsza klasa. Dziękujemy
Raga Szczepan Rachwał
Miejsce Piastowe, Poland
Archonica Usługi Cnc, Cięcie Formatek, Prototypowanie
Skubianka, Poland
A One Stop Garden Shop Inc.
Loxahatchee, United States
Tim Cronkhite
What a great place and as they say one stop shopping for sure! It was beautiful and I still can't get over the massive selection of things here. It wa...
Magis Art Gallery
Rača, Slovakia
Mgr. Mária Hausová
Pekný obchod s dobrým výberom a veľmi príjemnou majiteľkou.
Kamenosochařství Holanec
Opočno, Czechia
Ondra Pospisil
Absolutni spokojenost. Vyborna komunikace i odvedena prace. Urcite doporucuji!!
La Maison Francaise Antiques
Los Angeles, United States
John L Collier
La Maison Francaise Antiques helped me pick beautiful shades and finials for my lamps. When one finial broke several years later, they fixed it for fr...
Bohuslav Man - Kamenictví
Hořice, Czechia
Pots & Plants
Great Falls, United States
Maria Lagoe
Beautiful assortment of plants and pottery. Unique items that make perfect gifts. Brooke was very knowledgeable and great to work with. I would recomm...
Forma. Pracownia Rzeźby. Badyna Karol
Kraków, Poland
Monika Dyszczyk
Dobra jakość , profesjonalna obsługa . Polecam !
Torrent, Spain
Agurain, Spain
Stan Gabriel Marius
Nu dețin Rampa de descărcare. Lateral sau Spate
Belenes Puig
Sant Esteve Sesrovires, Spain
Flor Nieto
Una de las mejores empresas del ramo, por no decir la mejor. Honestos y profesionales. 26 años ya de trabajo, colaboración y amistad.