Rich, creamy, concentrated with delicately balanced flavours, not much choice though for dining in, some of the tubs in the display cabinet look pretty empty, best to take out a pint or two if certain flavours are unavailable. Shop feels more like a factory processing delivery orders than an actual dine-in place.
The best ice cream in Taiwan
Excellent ice cream, with flavours you think not possible or even never think of. Must give a try no matter you are ice cream/ sobert lover or not.
Best all natural healthy ice-cream money can buy
Got strawberry milk and 葡萄烈酒 flavours. Yum!
Guava ice cream
Ice cream is good!
五星推爆,各種酒類冰淇淋,老闆愛酒之人才做得出來 今天點了玫瑰荔枝覆盆子,玫瑰琴酒,都非常非常讚!
The best companies in the category 'Deli'