robertharding is located in Maidenhead, United Kingdom on Nicholsons House Nicholsons Walk. robertharding is rated 5 out of 5 in the category media company in United Kingdom. robertharding is a high quality specialist photo and video licensing agency containing quality photos and video clips for creative professionals, photo editors, picture researchers, broadcasters and video producers. In our collection you will find high quality stock photos covering a diverse range of subjects such as destinations, travel & tourism, people, cultures, wildlife, nature, landscapes, archeology, architecture and the environment. After founding the company in 1974, robertharding has grown the collection into the world's largest online resource of specialist high quality photos and has over 1,100 contributing professional photographers. Over the years we have worked with all the major advertising and creative agencies, book publishers, magazines and newspapers. With the increasing demand for moving images we have now added high quality video footage to our collection covering all aspects of the environment, that can be licensed both for broadcast or online applications. Whether you're in advertising, design, publishing, broadcasting or the travel industry you'll want to engage and influence your audience through the beauty, power and intimacy of superb travel photography and video. At robertharding you'll discover emotionally charged, astonishing content that will stop your market in its tracks.
Nicholsons House Nicholsons Walk
Company size
11-50 employees
Maidenhead, Berkshire
Service options
Online appointments
On-site services not available