A very sad place in the beautiful Banat. The church was ruined by comunist regime ... bricks were taken to the Cultural Center or something like that in Ban.Karadjordjevo-Begaszentgyörgy. The old German population was expelled and / or killed. There was also a prisoner camp for a short time. New settlers did not have the opportunity to live there because of the overflow of underground waters, fate, it seems ... the cemetery is still there. Tuzno mesto u lepom Banatu. Crkvu su im srusili...cigle su odnete za Dom kulture ili tako nesto u Ban.Karadjordjevo. Staro Nemacko stanovnistvo proterano i/ili pobijeno. Bio je i logor na kratko. Novi doseljenici nisu imali prilike da tu zive zbog nadiranja podzemnih voda,sudbina,izgleda...groblje je jos ostalo .
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