Rotten pickles - no refund. I shop pretty regularly at Panzer's, largely to buy a weekly stock of salmon, cream cheese, taramasalata, dill pickles, and fruit and veg. It's all over-priced but the salmon and cream cheese is delicious (steer clear of the bagels). Roughly a week ago, I bought a jar of pickles as my children love them as lock-down snacks. They told me the pickles tasted funny so I tried one and I agreed. They were definitely off. I took them back and explained the situation. The manager was called and I explained the situation. He agreed that they weren't out of date as they should have been fine until February 16th, at which point I told him there was definitely something wrong. They were off. He said 'But they're open' to which I replied 'Well how am I supposed to know they're off if I don't open them to taste them?.' The then asked for a receipt. I asked, 'Do you know anybody who keeps receipts for dill pickles? I didn't expect for them to go off and during COVID I sometimes don't take a receipt at all.' Re responded that there was nothing he could do. In the grand scheme of things, with the money I spend there, I would have thought he could have exchanged them. I'll buy them off Amazon next time.
Grocery shopping with a soul. I can't get enough of their salmon bagels with cream cheese! There is everything you could wish for provided your salary is in line with the neighbourhood: Tasteful bouquets of flowers and a great display of seasonal fruits and veg outside, good deli Japanese counters, wonderful bread, cheese, pasta, and fresh coffee and cakes. Note it is harder to move around at peak times. Unexpected, but great tunes to shop to (who does the playlist?) and a team of efficient and friendly cashiers to finish on a high note!
Not Covid safe. The staff do not wear their masks, or wear them improperly. I’ve made a few recent visits during the peak of Covid in London, and there is very poor mask compliance amongst the staff. One staff member with no mask at all (nor face shield), and others with their nose hanging out. I complained to the manager about this, to which she instructed the staff, but soon as our backs were turned the masks were down again. On follow-up visits I noticed that none of the deli or sushi counter staff were covering their noses. It’s as if these people do not understand basic human biology or that we’re in the middle of a pandemic. I’ve stopped shopping at Panzers and take my business elsewhere now. Shame as they have a good, but pricey selection of imported foods.
This is the place if you need a stereotypical jewish/NY deli. Hands down. COVID has only reinforced its value, as the queue of locals outside most days waiting to shop is impressive. Strong deli counter making orders to go as well, with a sideline in American brands for homesick Yanks.
French cheeses are back, managing to go threw the custom Treat yourself even after Xmas before it's too late. An amazing beautiful store with food from all around the world. Especially the french cheese Ecume de Wimereux with truffles, Camembert du Boulonnais and Ecume de Wimereux that just arrived. The staff is also welcoming and helpful, not easy during the pandemic. Well done and keep smiling
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