Companies on Trustpilot can choose relevant categories to describe their industry, products, or services. All companies in a category are eligible to be best in that category if they’re actively asking for reviews and have received 25 or more reviews in the last 12 months. Some companies on Trustpilot aren’t eligible to be best in a category, and others aren’t on Trustpilot at all.
Weston Park Hospital
Trustfeed Score 4.8
Sheffield, United Kingdom
Ian Collie
Excellent.treatment. Initially felt nervous but soon put at ease. Spoken to as a person not a condition and any problems dealt with. Thankyou
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Troon Ayrshire Hospice Shop
Trustfeed Score 3.7
Troon, United Kingdom
Gwen Smith
Decent prices for most of the stock. Dvds are a pound each which is a little cheeky considering the age of some of them. Was in the shop for about ten...
Dr Gaurav Kumar - Private Clinical Oncologist
Trustfeed Score 5.0
Salisbury Committee Cancer Research Uk
Trustfeed Score 3.0
Salisbury, United Kingdom
Maggie's Aberdeen
Aberdeen, United Kingdom
Kevin Houston
No other words other than outstanding. What these guys do is amazing. Keep doing what you do
Thirlstaine Breast Centre
Trustfeed Score 4.7
Cheltenham, United Kingdom
Amanda Brice
An amazing bunch of people who made a difficult day surprisingly easy. A great Dr did a biopsy and a great assistant helped & I can honestly say it wa...
The Christie Nhs Foundation Trust
Trustfeed Score 4.5
Manchester, United Kingdom
Sameena Usman
Hello, i was a patient at Christie hospital in 2017 with breast cancer. The staff and consultants are brilliant, caring, professional, considerate and...
Abbey Court Surgery
Trustfeed Score 3.1
Armagh, United Kingdom
Beatson West Of Scotland Cancer Centre
Trustfeed Score 4.4
Glasgow, United Kingdom
Staff are great not just because of their training, but because they are caring.
Sutton Coldfield, United Kingdom
lorraine ladha
All of the staff at little aston are very caring & go that extra mile to give you a boost when treatment it hard the whole genasis package for radioth...
Maggie’S Cheltenham
Amanda Price
Maggie's helped me greatly during my treatment last year. It was extremely helpful and comforting to discuss my concerns with staff and patients also ...
Churchill Hospital
Oxford, United Kingdom
Robert Edwards
Dermatology Department - Minor operation on my leg this morning conducted by Heidi and team, extremely polite, caring, methodical and professional. Th...
Everything Skin Clinic™ Dermatology Clinic
Rosie Gibson-Brown
I went to this Clinic for a consultation, as I wanted treatment for some facial thread veins. They use the VBeam laser here and I wanted to see if it ...
Crest Cancer Support
Staines, United Kingdom
Surgical Clinic Mutualiste
Trustfeed Score 4.0
Saint-Étienne, France
Jacques DONNAT
Hospitalisé pour une prothèse de genoux tout ce passe bien , je remercie d'ailleurs l'équipe du Docteur MOUTON , ce fut compliqué pour le retour en c...
Polyclinique Du Val De Loire - Elsan
Trustfeed Score 3.2
Nevers, France
beatrice ében
On critique l'hôpital public et bien la clinique bof bof on paye un tarif pour poireauté 4h avant une intervention. Une chambre classique qu'ils ont ...
Centre Oscar Lambret
Trustfeed Score 4.2
Lille, France
Florence Caron
Bonjour, J'ai été prise en charge dans le Centre Oscar Lambret pour un problème bénin, et j'ai été très bien conseillée et accompagnée tout au long ...
Clinical Du Pont De Chaume - Elsan
Trustfeed Score 2.5
Montauban, France
Eva Stulova
Bonjour, Commençons par la bonne nouvelle : il y a de bons chirurgiens et de bons infirmiers. Pour ce qui est du reste... Et bien ce que je peux dire...
Cancer Institute Jean Godinot
Reims, France
Mohand Hamla
Un grand merci pour votre humanité, gentillesse, vous êtes une équipe très très formidable, dans tous les domaines, aide soignantes, hôtesses d'accuei...
Oncogard Alès
Trustfeed Score 2.3
Alès, France
Francoise Brangeon
J'ai été diagnostiqué en décembre 2018 d'un carcinome dans le sein. Je consulte un radiologue en mars 2019 et entends, dans les couloirs, l'existence...
Centre Léon Bérard
Lyon, France
stella okpurukhre
Please I am looking for where I can unblock my fallopian tubes I want to know if this hospital can open it
Clinical Calabet - Elsan
Trustfeed Score 2.8
Agen, France
alain jacquot
Clinique Des Hêtres
Trustfeed Score 3.6
Le Cateau-Cambrésis, France
Mon séjour dans le service chirurgie viscérale s'est très bien passé. Tout le personnel était sympathique, patient, à l'écoute , compétent et délicat...
Jean Perrin Center
Clermont-Ferrand, France
Jérôme Barbidou
Excellente prise en charge par les différents membres du personnel tout confondu. Chirurgien qui a effectué un excellent travail sur moi et qui a rép...
Oncological Institute Candiolo
Candiolo, Italy
florin nita
Prostate Cancer Units Network
Milano, Italy
Girotondo Di Luce
Bari, Italy
Istituto Europeo Di Oncologia
A.P.S.O. Oncologia
Paola, Italy
Comprehensive Cancer Center Ulm (Cccu) Am Universitätsklinikum Ulm
Ulm, Germany
Tom Tomorrow
Absolut niveauloses Bewerbungsverfahren: Lassen einen 50 Minuten über dem Termin mitten auf der Gang platziert, verharren, setzen einem 6 \Entscheide...
Mrt Kt Ulʹtra Diahnostyka Komp'yuterna Tomohrafiya Pnevmoniyi Zapalennya Lehenʹ Ohk Raku Onkolohiyi Onkoskryninh Uzd Uzi Uzy Zrobyty Proyty Zapysatysʹ
Прийшов пройти к.т. на свiй час , на Цей самий час було ще 2 людини , 35 минут проседiв, висновок i снiмок вiддавали окремо на протязi 1.5 години . Ж...
\Онко-Мед\ - Клиника Современной Онкологии
Людмила Гапич
Не дай Боже комусь потрапити у цю клініку на чолі з директором Наталією Олександрівною. Витрясуть все, що тільки можна. Коли скажете, що немає грошей...
Онкологическая Клиника «Target»
Olha Nimko
Звертались у клініку для лікування у батька раку шлунку 4 стадії (аденокарцинома). Коли було поставлено діагноз, ми були в шоці, розуміли, що діяти т...
Clinic Spizhenko
Trustfeed Score 4.1
Oleksii Slobotskyi
Первый раз здесь, но впечатление осталось положительным, сервис и обслуживание на высшем уровне. Добротный ремонт. По поводу как лечат? Не могу ничег...
【 Клініка Варта 】
Trustfeed Score 3.8
Vasiliy Dubinin
Хотів би подякувати адміністрації клініки та відзначити їх рівень сервісу та спілкування з клієнтами: ввічливо відповідають на будь-які питання та на...
Kyiv Regional Oncology Center
Оля Половинко
Разумейко Сергій Володимирович, кваліфікованих лікар онколог. Дуже рада, що зустріла його. Професіонал своєї справи, чудова людина
Institute Of Medical Radiology Of S. P. Grigoriev National Academy Of Medical Sciences Of Ukraine
It is an old building with small hall. Doctors are very professional there.
Medical Clinic \Nikamed\
оксана сингаївська
На обстеженні була у лікаря онколога- мамолога, Міненко Миколи Володимировича, лікар дуже уважний, чемний і привітний, одразу викликає довіру до себе...
Гбу Ро «Онкодиспансер» В Г.Шахты
Гульнара Гульнара
Хочется сказать огромное спасибо всем сотрудникам радиологического отделения , в особенности Цветковой Н И и ГончаренкоЛ А, за квалифицированую помощ...
Диспансер Онкологический Областной (Диспансер)
Анна Романова
Кращий державний Центр діагностики та лікування онкології в Україні Я проходжу тут всі необхідні мені за віком обстеження. Ціни - нижче київських в ...
Административный Корпус Областного Центра Онкологии
Медицинский Предопухолевый Центр Молекула
Trustfeed Score 4.3
Ruslan Kolesnik
Не знаю, можливо спеціалісти і досвідчені, але я тут третій раз з дружиною - записуєшся наприклад на 10, приходимо в 9.55, а лікар приймає в 10.45 мо...
Khmelnitskiy Oblasniy Onkologichniy Dispanser
Юлія Надобко
Не дай Бог захворіти на хворобу яка має відношення до цього закладу, але якщо таке трапилося не дай Бог лікуватися у цьому місці.Через халатність лік...
Добрый Прогноз Онкоцентр
Віталій Гринь
Обстановка хорошая , обслужующій персонал та адмінестратор хорошо справляєтся ! Приїхали на диагностику к врачу Шепель Олександер Володимерович , ран...
Ukrainian Center Of Tomotherapy
Yulia Yulia
Была ну УЗИ и консультации маммолога. Если существует эталон консультирования в медицине, то на этой консультации я с ним познакомилась впервые, несм...
Clinics Direct - Лечение За Рубежом
Ironwood Cancer & Research Centers
Chandler, United States
Tracey Kinsey
Dr Dharia, and the entire staff at this Dobson office are amazing. I've had the pleasure of meeting with Dr Dharia numerous times. Sadly, I lost my mo...
Piedmont West
Atlanta, United States
Anthony Grantham
This review is for OrthoAtlanta, Today Oct 28th 2020, I went to OrthoAtlanta with whom I've had a billing issue for some months. I was initially greet...
Ut Southwestern Medical Center
Dallas, United States
Tim Bleeker
Horrible experience!!!! While in the ER my Iphone and 500 cash were taken by a nurse and tech to be stored and was given a gown. A few hours later as ...
Dobrobut Medical And Diagnostic Center
Khalid Alhajri
I brought my friend here around 2:00 AM morning, and the doctor was ready to see him as the ambulance informed him already. That shows you how ready t...
Ternopilʹsʹkyy Oblasnyy Klinichnyy Onkologichnyy Dyspanser
Бачу хороші відгуки,а чому ніхто не напише яка корупція і без грошей нічого ніхто не робить. Їм зарплати не потрібно, ні совісті ні встиду немає, то ...
Rivne Regional Oncologic Dispensary
Trustfeed Score 3.3
Ирина Белая
Почистіть парковку, стільки ж людей приїздить, хворих з появою снігу менше не стало, ні заїхати ні виїхати !!!! Приберіть цей позор.
Ironwood Cancer & Research Center
Gilbert, United States
Melissa Brown
After spending a year and 3 months in chemo and radiation at this place I must say it wasn't an experience I wanted in my life but the people from Iro...
Trustfeed Score 1.8
Mesa, United States
charles Hauck
I'm not impressed.. right hand doesn't know what the left is doing. The mesa office staff can't be bothered with helping you get someone in or out of ...
Banner Md Anderson Cancer Center At Banner Desert Medical Center
Rad Nun
Beautiful hospital.
Casa Grande, United States
Banner Md Anderson Cancer Center At Banner Gateway Medical Center
Alisia Turner
I am so disappointed in this clinic. My brother has been waiting for an appointment to this facility for months and when he finally arrive to facility...
English Dermatology Gilbert
Trustfeed Score 4.6
Debra Boyer
This was my first time since moving to Arizona trying to find a dermatologist and they were recommend to me by my doctor. I called and they got me in ...
Center For Dermatology & Plastic Surgery
Rose Mosier
I needed my nose repaired after removal of a carcinoma. Dr. Kelly discussed three options, answered all my questions and explained each step of the re...
Dignity Health - Cancer Institute At St. Joseph's Hospital And Medical Center - Phoenix, Az
Phoenix, United States
Dave V
I get my labs and treatments here, complimentary valet, temp screening at the door and masks provided if needed, awesome staff and Doctors, definitely...
Palo Verde Cancer Specialists
Trustfeed Score 3.4
Scottsdale, United States
Louis Edwards
On November 4, 2020, I started Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer at Palo Verde Cancer Specialist located at 7373 N. Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale, A...
Dr. Med. Sabine Gumrich
Westerstede, Germany
Holger Menebröcker
Bin dort seit Jahren bestens aufgehoben und behandelt worden. Danke.
Zentrum Für Strahlentherapie - Radioonkologie / Dr. Med. S. Hesselmann & A. Rudykina
Rheine, Germany
Waltraud Herms
Sie waren alle immer sehr freundlich und wenn man einen Termin hatte kam man meistens Pünktlich dran.
Centrum Cyberknife, Icc Sp. Z O.O.
Wieliszew, Poland
Voytek Kochanek
This is great clinic, I feel they saved my life. Very professional personel, newest technology, very effective. Highly recommend to everybody who need...
Spzoz Opolskie Centrum Onkologii Im. Prof. Tadeusza Koszarowskiego
Opole, Poland
Małgorzata Biegalska
Mając porównanie do szpitali onkologicznych np. Wrocław, byłam bardzo pozytywnie zaskoczona. Od wejścia cały personel zarówno medyczny, jak i pomocni...
Onkolmed Medical Clinic Of Oncology Specialization
Trustfeed Score 3.5
Warszawa, Poland
Ka. Ter
Właśnie spędziłem 8min z słuchawką przy uchu słuchając co też w tym Onkolomedzie się dzieje. Pani odebrała rozmowę i szybko poprosila o chwilkę cierp...
Białostockie Centrum Onkologii Im. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie W Białymstoku
Białystok, Poland
Halina Cieniuch
W Nowym Roku wszystkiego co najlepsze dużo zdrowia lekarza prowadzącym chemioterapie i radioterapie oraz dla całego personelu. Dziękuję za troskę i w...
Wielkopolskie Centrum Onkologii
Poznań, Poland
Peter Zalewski
One of the very important places of vaccination development. Poland works on the new type of vaccines that can fight the coronavirus more effectively....
Integrative Medical Center
Żerniki Wrocławskie, Poland
Barbara Paresi
I heard about IMC from a friend of mine. I had personal health issues that were interfering with my everyday life and I was getting frustrated with tr...
Hc Marbella International Hospital
Marbella, Spain
Victor Noskov
This is the best hospital I've ever been. Everyone so caring and helpful. In every room you can find a TV with lot of channels. Additionally, you have...
Hm University Sanchinarro Hospital
Trustfeed Score 2.4
Madrid, Spain
Dr. Eman
The best facility of the hospital is the international support team. Significant advantage in Spain where your English simple Spanish is not enough to...
Hospital Universitari Vall D'hebron
Trustfeed Score 3.9
Barcelona, Spain
Odette Greyling
I was diagnosed in Vall de'Hebron with BPD after attempting suicide. The staff took it very seriously and many time I went to Emergency for suicidal t...
University Hospital Hm
Torrelodones, Spain
Jorge Sorial
Excellent hospital
Fundación Hospital Provincial De Castellón -Cirugía Oncológica
Castellón de la Plana, Spain
Fundacion Oncolliga Girona
Girona, Spain
Maria Merce Bohigas Vidal
Ajudans a ajudar, en una situacio tan difícil tots ens nesecitem.
Lenitudes - Medical Center & Research
Carlos Castro Ferreira
Péssimo atendimento Enviaram carta do Hospital para marcação de consulta para a minha mãe ( 84anos) sem indicação do local da mesma ( LENITIDES -EURO...
Georgia Cancer Center For Excellence
freddy jones
Great caring dr's. Yes sometimes I have had to wait, there are normally a lot of people there. Cancer has shown me that patience is so important.
Dhr Health Oncology Institute
Trustfeed Score 2.7
Edinburg, United States
Tangie Support
I'm glad my sister went her cancer is cured
Georgia Cancer Specialists - Emory Midtown
Wirt A Hines Ph.D., M.D.
Anacortes, United States
Bekah Peterson
Dr. Hines is extremely professional and was great to work with. I visited him for a mole checkup and felt comfortable the entire time. He took the tim...
Inova Breast Surgery
Woodbridge, United States
Georgia Cancer Specialists: Center Pointe
Cheryl Hayes
The doctors are outstanding along with the assistance and nurses. Their front officer is like a well oiled machine. Appointments are easily made I hav...
National Breast Center
Lorton, United States
Mammography - Ascension Seton Breast Care Center
Austin, United States
Zetta Loyce
Easily scheduled for testing, and able to get an appointment quickly. The staff were courteous and professional. I was able to register via a text mes...
Aflac Cancer And Blood Disorders Center - Hughes Spalding Hospital
Clínica Veterinaria Sotobosque
Cáceres, Spain
Maria Victoria Martínez
No recomendaría está clínica para nada. Precios abusivos y no fiable
Turningpoint Breast Cancer Rehabilitation
Julia Kien
I was so excited to return to TurningPoint again after my second surgery - they took such great care of me. After every session here, I leave feeling ...
The Christie Private Care
Mohamed Kourah
I am a consultant urological surgeon myself and was diagnosed with cancer of my prostate. Recently I had robotic assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy o...
The Bath Cancer Unit Support Group (Bcusg)
Bath, United Kingdom
Cancer Centre
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Andy Pryce
Nice staff, very helpful. Good treatment. Can't fault them. Would definitely recommend.
Maggie's Highlands
Jim Greig
An incredible place. Beautiful building with volunteers and professionals who offer genuine practical support for people who have been affected by can...
Bowelhealth Uk
Gynaehealth Uk
Cambridge, United Kingdom
North West Cancer Research
Susan Kettle
Dear Sirs,. I was most interested to note that your charity still exists, from an article in The Ellesmere Port Standard, regarding a recent run. Your...
Endocrinology At The Christie
Jue wilson
I can't thank the team for helping and treating me on my journey they are supportive attentive considerate and caring I can't thank them enough its be...
Belfast, United Kingdom
Henry Middleton
Thanks to all the wonderful Staff - Doctors & Nurses at the Cancer Centre Ward 2B for the wonderful care you gave to Heather
Stratum Clinics Oxford
Ian Mcconnell
I have had two procedures done over 2 months. The whole team from reception, pa’s, nurses and of course the doctors were excellent, very personable, f...
Mr Sherif Wilson Frcs (Plast)
Rosie Wingrove
I cannot say enough good things about Mr Wilson and the service that I have received from both himself and his PA Kim! From start to finish I always f...
Maggie's Manchester
Tony Grant
Welcoming centre, an oasis of calm where everyone is welcomed. The staff and volunteers understand cancer whether you are a patient or family and gent...
St Luke's Cancer Centre
Guildford, United Kingdom
Left me with a DNR on my file under 50. With a misdiagnosed or should I say message not passed on at all to anyone. Still dying, DNR now removed by an...